From the Worldwide Faith News archives

News of Theological Institutions

Date 04 May 1996 20:40:46


96007            News of Theological Institutions 
                          by Alexa Smith 
DECATUR, Ga.--Thomas G. Long, a Princeton Thelogical Seminary homiletician, 
will be the lecturer this week during Columbia Theological Seminary's 
Colloquium '96, Jan. 8-11.  "Preaching the Final Words:  Sin, Death and the 
Life to Come" is his theme.  Mary Donovan Turner, assistant professor of 
preaching at the Pacific School of Religion, is the Colloquium's guest 
CHICAGO--The language program and laboratory of McCormick Theological 
Seminary will receive annual revenues from approximately $600,000  from the 
Eben Erickson Trust, starting in 1996, after a decision made by the 
seminary's board of trustees at the October meeting. The language program 
provides support in both language and in academics, and provides library 
and instructional resources for Korean/English and Spanish/English. 
PITTSBURGH--Renita J. Weems, associate professor of Hebrew Bible at The 
Divinity School, Vanderbilt University, will deliver the 1996 Kelso Lecture 
in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 
Jan. 31.  It will be held at 11:30 a.m.  "Facing God, Facing Pain: The 
Lessons of Suffering" is the subject. 
AUSTIN, Texas--Three theologians will lead the 1996 Midwinter Lectures 
series at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Jan. 29-31. 
"Remembered Voices, Neglected Words:  The Unclaimed Legacy of 
Neo-Orthodoxy" will be led by Douglas John Hall, professor of Christian 
theology at McGill University.  "Preaching as Interpretation" will be led 
by David Bartlett, Lantz professor of Christian communication and associate 
dean of academic affairs at Yale Divinity School.  "Is There Hope for a 
Catechism in Today's Church" is the subject of Richard R. Osmer, the Thomas 
W. Synnott associate professor of Christian education at Princeton 
Theological Seminary and the chair of the denomination's committee to draft 
a new catechism. 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--The board of trustees at Louisville Presbyterian 
Theological Seminary welcomed two new members and named two members as 
Lifetime Honorary Trustees at its fall meeting. Charles J. Ping of Athens, 
Ohio, and Bari Stanton Johnson of Grand Haven, Mich., will serve four-year 
terms in their new positions.  Dale Fisher of Louisville and Robert Wood 
Lynn of Bangor, Maine, have been named honorary trustees. 

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  Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY 40202
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