From the Worldwide Faith News archives


Date 14 May 1996 10:40:46


American Baptist News Service_____________________
Office of Communication / American Baptist Churches USA
P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851
Phone: (610)768-2077 / Fax: (610)768-2320
Richard W. Schramm, Director


UPDATE: MAY 10, 1996

o  Robert P. Hetico Jr., of Madison, Wis., has been named director of
marketing for Judson Publishing, effective Sept. 1.  Hetico's
appointment was announced by Dr. Harold Rast, publisher for American
Baptist Educational Ministries.  Hetico, president of Madison Church
Supply, Inc., has significantly expanded Madison's new markets and
its customer base since purchasing the company in 1988.  Madison's
revenues have increased from $100,000 to $600,000 in just eight
years.  Formerly director of sales and marketing for Polebridge
Press, Santa Rosa, Calif., Hetico implemented such marketing
strategies as direct mail, print advertising and telemarketing at
that company, while overseeing its U.S. and foreign sales.   He also
worked as a trade sales representative for Fortress Press,
Philadelphia, and as branch manager for Fortress Church Supply
Stores, Denver, Colo.  "We're particularly excited that Bob brings an
understanding of our products from a customer perspective, because
Madison Church Supply has been a Judson customer for many years,"
said Kristy Arnesen Pullen, Judson's associate publisher.  She noted
that Hetico's work in managing a retail store put him in close
contact with the needs of local church people in buying books, church
school curriculum and other related products.  Hetico will head a
marketing department that includes Michelle K. Janes and Mark J.
Wiragh, who have been promoted to product managers for retail and
trade respectively.  Janes, working with products sold directly to
churches and individuals, and Wiragh, working with bookstores,
catalog accounts and distributors, will move from technical roles in
developing promotional materials to more comprehensive product

o  Dr. Daniel E. Weiss, general secretary of American Baptist
Churches USA, has been named president of the North American Baptist
Fellowship for the next two years.  The North American Baptist
Fellowship, one of six regional fellowships of the Baptist World
Alliance, represents ten Baptist unions and conventions, including
American Baptist Churches USA.  Weiss was elected president at the
Fellowship's biennial meeting late last month in Washington, D.C.  At
that meeting Weiss delivered a plenary address, "Baptists and the
Future of Denominationalism," in which he maintained, "By God's
spirit we can be a people positioned to minister with power and
effectiveness in the new century."  "My concern is not simply to
preserve denominations, at all cost, as if they were an end in
themselves," he said.  "Denominations in all of their dimensions are
a means to an end, the continuance of the ministry of Jesus Christ in
all of its fullness and wholeness.  They can be potent instruments in
achieving God's vision for the Church in the world."

o  American Baptists who cannot attend the Stand for Children event
on Saturday, June 1, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.,
still can get involved in the event, according to Brenda Tribett,
director of Black Church Education and Children's Ministries for
American Baptist Educational Ministries.  Tribett said there are
several other ways to participate: "All persons who care about the
lives and future of children in America are urged to stand at 1 p.m.
on June 1, wherever they are, in solidarity for those of us who will
be standing on the Mall in Washington.  Stand up for children
everywhere---and say a prayer for all children as well."  An
interfaith religious service will be held on the Mall from 1-3 p.m.
Tribett also encouraged American Baptists to make banners or posters
expressing their concerns for children; these will be taken to
Washington, displayed at the American Baptist Churches registration
area, and given to individuals to carry.  In addition, special
bulletin inserts for churches may be obtained from Tribett's office.
Stand for Children, coordinated by the Children's Defense Fund, is
expected to attract participants from over 2,000 organizations
nationwide.  For information contact Brenda Tribett at 1-800-ABC-
3USA, extension 2149; or write to Stand for Children National Day
Headquarters, 1834 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20009 (1-
800-233-1200).  Posters and banners may be sent via UPS (ground) or
parcel post to Tribett at ABC Educational Ministries, 588 North Gulph
Rd. at First Avenue, King of Prussia, PA 19406.

o  Several American Baptist leaders will receive honorary doctorates
this month from institutions of higher education related to American
Baptist Churches USA.  Dr. Jean B. Kim, executive director of
American Baptist Educational Ministries, will receive an honorary
doctor of divinity degree from Alderson-Broaddus College, Philippi,
W.V., on May 11.  She also will deliver the commencement address at
that time.  Kim, who has led Educational Ministries since 1989,
oversees a 65-member staff in providing resources to assist
congregations in age group ministries and leader development.  During
her tenure, Educational Ministries has sponsored conferences for
educators in black and Hispanic churches, and in 1996 will introduce
a multicultural conference for church leaders, Fiesta of Ministry.
Kim previously served as a faculty member, vice president and
academic dean at Eastern College, St. Davids, Pa.  The Rev. Carole H.
"Kate" Penfield, executive director of The Ministers Council, will be
awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Central Baptist
Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Kans., on May 18.  Penfield, who
has led the Council since July 1995, long has been active in its
work.  Comprised of ordained and lay leaders, the Council addresses
such issues as placement, ethics and continuing education.  Penfield
previously served as vice president of American Baptist Churches USA
and as co-pastor of First Baptist Church in America, Providence, R.I.
American Baptist Churches' president, G. Elaine Smith, will receive
an honorary doctor of laws degree from Ottawa University, Ottawa,
Kans., on May 19.  She also will be the commencement speaker.
Smith, an attorney practicing law in the Washington, D.C. area, long
has been active in American Baptist life.  She has been a member of
the denomination's General Board and president of the Board of
National Ministries, and has represented American Baptist Churches
USA on the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs.

o  Marilyn Momose, chair of the AB GIRLS Endowment Fund Campaign
Committee, has announced the launching of a drive to increase the AB
GIRLS Endowment Fund by $181,915.97 by Women s Day at the American
Baptist Churches' Biennial Meeting in June 1997.  The Fund was
established along with AB GIRLS in 1992.  The Committee is asking for
prayers as well; Rose Pearson, of Grantsville, W.V., will communicate
with at least 181 prayer partners during the campaign.  Betsy K.
Dunbar, ABW Ministries program associate for Resources and AB GIRLS,
noted, "Too often we think of the girls as the future of ABW
Ministries.  We hope they are, but more importantly they need us now.
Girls and young women contribute tremendously to our churches when we
encourage them.  They can be the most effective evangelists
imaginable to their friends.  AB GIRLS wants to be there for these
growing Christians."  An outreach of ABW Ministries, AB GIRLS gives
girls in grades 3 12 a safe place to explore questions of life and
faith.  Programming focuses on relationships (God, family, friends),
leadership and service (church, community, world).  For more
information or to order resources call 1-800-ABC-3USA, extension

o  Dr. James H. Costen, president of Interdenominational Theological
Center in Atlanta, Ga., has announced plans to retire June 30, 1997.
Costen has led the Center the past 13 years, during which time the
school's annual budget has more than tripled and its endowment has
doubled to $8 million.   ITC's Morehouse School of Religion is one of
nine seminaries related to American Baptist Churches USA through
Educational Ministries.

o  Dr. Robert S. Denny, general secretary of the Baptist World
Alliance from 1969-1980, died April 5 in Orlando, Fla., at age 81.
Denny was known especially for his outspoken defense of religious
freedom in Eastern Europe during the years of communist rule there.

"Update" currently is available in print form (mailed first class at
$40/year subscription cost); as document #111 on Fax Vault, a fax-on-
demand service at (610)337-7439; as "American Baptist News Service"
on ABNET, the American Baptist Churches' computer network (a
branch of ECUNET); and on the Internet Web sites for American Baptist
Churches USA ( and for World-Wide Faith
News (

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