From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Call to improve children's chances

Date 03 Jun 1996 16:50:51

"UNITED METHODIST DAILY NEWS" by SUSAN PEEK on Aug. 11, 1991 at 13:58 Eastern,

Note 2989 by UMNS on June 3, 1996 at 16:42 Eastern (2101 characters).

SEARCH:   Talbert, interfaith, children, rally

  UMNS stories may be accessed on the Internet World Wide Web at:

Produced by United Methodist News Service, official news agency of
the United Methodist Church, with offices in Nashville, Tenn., New
York, and Washington.

Contact:  Joretta Purdue                       275(10-30-71){2989}
          Washington, D.C.  (202) 546-8722            June 3, 1996

EDITORS NOTE:  This story may be used as a sidebar to UMNS release
#274 {2988}.

Bishop Talbert calls faith community
to better situations of children

     WASHINGTON (UMNS) -- Every nine seconds a child drops out of
school; every 10 seconds a child is reported abused or neglected;
and every 32 seconds a baby is born into poverty.
     These average statistics were part of the message United
Methodist Bishop Melvin Talbert, president of the National Council
of Churches (NCC), delivered May 31 in an interfaith service at
the National Cathedral here.
     The event was sponsored by the religious community as a
prelude to the Stand for Children rally held at the Lincoln
Memorial the following day.
     Talbert also noted that every two hours a U.S. child is
killed by firearms; every four hours a child commits suicide; and
every five hours a child dies from abuse or neglect.
     "For Jesus, children were first in the Kingdom of God,"
Talbert said. However when compared to other industrialized
countries, he said, the United States is first in military
technology and military exports but seventh in science achievement
of 13-year-olds, 12th in mathematics achievement of 13-year-olds
and 18th in infant mortality.
     "When I ponder the theological significance of these
horrifying statistics in the light of the World of God, they are a
sin and shame before the Almighty God," Talbert declared.
     He called upon the faith community to do more to improve the
quality of children's lives, including their safety, health,
education and future.
                              #  #  #


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