From the Worldwide Faith News archives


Date 09 Jun 1996 20:20:42

96204         Presbyterian Peacemaking Program Plans 
         Conferences on Spirituality and the Common Good 
                         by Julian Shipp 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--"Together at the Well" is the theme for the 1996 
Presbyterian Peacemaking Conferences to be held at Estes Park, Colo., Aug. 
3-7, and at Montreat, N.C., Aug. 11-15. The conferences will explore 
integrating and balancing spirituality and the common good, and will look 
at ways to encourage reinvestment in our communities while deepening our 
spiritual lives. 
     The peacemaking conferences will again be intergenerational with some 
activities designed for each specific age group and other activities 
designed to include all ages. 
     Theme presenters will be United Methodist Bishop Leontyne Kelly, first 
African-American woman elected bishop of any major denomination; Paul 
Jones, who alternates life as a Trappist monk with writing and working with 
the poor; Millard Fuller, founder and president of Habitat for Humanity 
International, Inc.; and Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz, associate professor of 
theology and ethics at Drew University. 
     Worship will be led by T.E.A.M. (Theological Expressions in Art and 
Ministry)--Jodi Martin, Aimee Wallis Buchanan and Bill Buchanan. T.E.A.M. 
has led youth conferences and other groups in exploring contemporary issues 
through art and drama. The music leader will be Richard Clements, hymn 
leader at previous peacemaking conferences. 
     There will be more than 30 workshops in four major areas: spiritual 
formation, seeking the common good (reinvesting in community), integrating 
spirituality and the common good, and peacemaking leadership training. 
     Children will have a program specifically designed for them. "Peaceful 
Beginnings" will be the program for infants through three-year-olds. The 
Children's Peace Place will be a special place for children four years old 
through those entering 5th grade to become more fully aware of God's 
presence through storytelling, music, art and outdoor activities. 
     Youth programs for younger and older youth (entering grades 6-12) will 
include special theme presentations, workshops, small-group time, special 
activities and a forum where youth will be invited to "speak out" on issues 
related to school, community and church.  Evening activities for youth will 
include karaoke and a dance. 
     Young adults will have their own small groups and opportunities to 
meet separately with conference leaders. The registration deadline is June 
20 with discount fees for those registering before June 1.  For free 
registration brochures, call Presbyterian Distribution Service at 
1-800-524-2612 and specify item #70-270-95-014. 

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