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Churches Initiate Five-year Dialogue

Date 27 Jun 1996 12:18:37

Date: 27-Jun-96 
96229      Representatives of Reformed and Pentecostal 
              Churches Initiate Five-year Dialogue 
                        by Paraic Reamonn 
      World Alliance of Reformed Churches Information Office 
GENEVA--The World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) and members from 
several different branches of the Pentecostal movement met in Italy May 
15-20 to begin a five-year international Reformed-Pentecostal dialogue.   
     Hosted by the Waldensian Church at its retreat center in Torre 
Pellice, Italy, the dialogue was convened by WARC staff member Henry Wilson 
and Cecil Robeck Jr., a Pentecostal from Pasadena, Calif. 
     The stated purposes of the dialogue are to 
     * increase mutual understanding and respect between the two traditions 
     * identify areas of theological agreement, convergence and disagreement 
     * explore possibilities for common witness. 
     Participants chose to pursue those purposes under the theme of 
"Spirituality and the Challenges of Today." 
     Topics addressed at the first dialogue included "Spirituality and the 
Interpretation of Scripture," "Spirituality and Justice" and "Spirituality 
and Ecumenism."  Participants noted two important areas of common ground: 
the central role of the Bible and the importance of the Holy Spirit in 
proclamation and praxis. 
     The WARC includes 198 member churches -- including the Presbyterian 
Church (U.S.A.) -- in 99 countries, embracing Presbyterian, Reformed, 
Congregational and United churches.  Emphasizing the centrality of the Word 
of God, they accept the historical creeds, understand the church as the 
people of God and pursue bilateral theological dialogue with Christians of 
different traditions. 
     Pentecostal churches trace their origin to several early-20th-century 
revivals.  Pentecostals emphasize personal conversion, ongoing 
sanctification, and empowerment of the Holy Spirit in the life of the 
church and mission to the world.  Stressing biblical authority and 
spiritual gifts, Pentecostals have grown into a worldwide movement. 
     The second dialogue has been scheduled for May 10-16, 1997, in 
Chicago.  The theme for that meeting is "The Role and Place of the Holy 
Spirit in the Church."  Specifically, it will address 
      *  the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Bible 
      *  the work of the Spirit in proclamation 
      *  the manifestation of charisms of the Spirit within the church. 

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