From the Worldwide Faith News archives

the Ordination of Gay and Lesbian Persons

Date 27 Jun 1996 12:48:43

Date: 13-Jun-96 
96226            General Assembly Backgrounder:  
            the Ordination of Gay and Lesbian Persons  
                        by Bill Lancaster          
     The issue most likely to dominate the 208th General Assembly (1996) is 
the question of whether sessions and presbyteries may ordain 
"self-affirming, practicing homosexual persons" to the offices of deacon, 
elder or minister of Word and Sacrament.  
     The Book of Order (constitution) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 
does not give specific instructions on this matter, saying generally  that 
those ordained to these offices "...should be persons of strong faith, 
dedicated discipleship, and love of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  Their 
manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel in the 
church and in the world."  
     In 1978, the 190th General Assembly of the former United Presbyterian 
Church in the United States of America adopted a Policy Statement and 
Recommendations, known as a definitive guidance, limiting the role of gay 
and lesbian persons in the denomination.  In 1979, the 119th General 
Assembly of the former Presbyterian Church in the United States adopted an 
essentially identical position.  Since then, the 1978-1979 definitive 
guidance has been used in the absence of specific Book of Order 
instructions. In 1993, the Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly 
adopted the 1978-1979 policy as an "authoritative interpretation"--binding 
on church governing bodies. 
     The policy allows for the ordination of non-practicing homosexual 
persons, but not those who engage in homosexual practice.  The Policy 
Statement understands "...that the practice of homosexuality is sin..." and 
says in part: 
     "Officers are not free from repeated expressions of sin. Neither are 
members and officers free to adopt a lifestyle of conscious, continuing, 
and unresisted sin in any area of their lives.  For the church to ordain a 
self-affirming, practicing homosexual person to ministry would be to act in 
contradiction to its charter and calling in Scripture, setting in 
motion...serious contradictions to the will of Christ. 
     "The repentant homosexual person who finds the power of Christ 
redirecting his or her sexual desires toward a married heterosexual 
commitment, or finds God's power to control his or her desires and to adopt 
a celibate lifestyle, can certainly be ordained..." 
     The authoritative interpretation says specifically, "That unrepentant 
homosexual practice does not accord with the requirements for ordination 
set forth in [the Book of Order]..." 
     However, the authoritative interpretation is being challenged, and 
some 75 congregations have declared that they are willing to ordain 
practicing homosexual persons. 
     The 1993 Assembly called for a three-year study and dialogue on this 
issue, and now that the study period has ended, a flood of 
overtures--45--have been submitted by presbyteries to this General 
Assembly.  They offer variations on a few themes, one being to amend the 
Book of Order to explicitly require fidelity in marriage or celibacy in 
singleness for all ordained officers.  Another theme is to rescind the 
authoritative interpretation and let sessions and presbyteries make their 
own decisions about ordination--known as "local option."   One overture 
asks that the study period be extended with no action taken. 
(Bill Lancaster will be covering the ordination issue for the General 
Assembly Newsroom.) 

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