From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Observers Note Conferences Differ

Date 09 Jul 1996 19:39:34

"UNITED METHODIST DAILY NEWS" by SUSAN PEEK on Aug. 11, 1991 at 13:58 Eastern,

Note 3050 by UMNS on July 9, 1996 at 16:38 Eastern (3439 characters).

SEARCH: British Methodist Conference, General Conference, British
Methodist, United Methodist

  UMNS stories may be accessed on the Internet World Wide Web at:
Produced by United Methodist News Service, official news agency of
the United Methodist Church, with offices in Nashville, Tenn., New
York, and Washington.

CONTACT:  Ralph E. Baker                          336(10-71){3050}
          Nashville, Tenn.  (615) 742-5470            July 9, 1996

EDITORS NOTE: This article may be used as a sidebar to UMNS
release #335 {3049}.

Observers note differences between
British and American conferences

     BLACKPOOL, England (UMNS) -- Taking time out from his
commitments at the British Methodist Conference, Naboth Muchopa
compared it with the United Methodist General Conference in
     "Americans are passionate about what they believe. They
present their issues with conviction, but also seem aware of the
way they are presenting themselves as individuals as well," said
Muchopa, one of four delegates selected by the British Methodist
Church to attend the meeting.
     Muchopa, who came from Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia) to Britain in
1977, commented, "People [in Britain] walk with more humility and
are not so much pushing themselves but the issues they care
     Before becoming the British Methodist Church's secretary for
racial justice eight months ago, he was a lecturer in mathematics
at North Birmingham College. The trip to Denver was his first
visit to the United States. He admits he never has been in a place
where people "yell at each other so much."
     From Muchopa's perspective, the U.S. General Conference
seemed more politicized than its British equivalent. One of the
main differences he observed was the way in which an individual in
the United Methodist Church can stop General Conference
proceedings from the floor and ask for information or call for a
point of order.
     Erin Carroll, a 17-year-old American observer at the British
Methodist Conference, agrees. Carroll, a high school senior in the
West Ohio Conference, was sent to the British Conference by the
Council of Bishops.
     One of her main observations was that British proceedings are
"very polite" in tone; so polite, in fact, that she was not always
sure who was challenging whom during a debate. She also noticed
that even when delegates seemed confused they had only a limited
ability to ask questions from the floor.
     Carroll was surprised to discover that British Methodists
discussed many of the same issues that United Methodists in the
United States debated. "Our cultures are so different -- even our
language -- I didn't expect the issues to be so similar."
     Another surprise for Carroll was how few youth took part in
the British Methodist Conference. "I'm the youngest one here," she
said. "I'm disappointed that the chair of the conference didn't
ask for more comment from young people."
     Muchopa said he is particularly impressed by how confident
and clear African Americans are about the central role they have
in the U.S. church. "African Americans say 'this is our church and
we are not to be pushed out ... our presence and needs will be
dealt with.' In British Methodism we have gone as far as seeing
racism as a sin, but it hasn't moved beyond that," he said.
                              #  #  #


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