From the Worldwide Faith News archives

CoB Newsline- Ministry Summer Service, Annual Conference

From Church of the Brethren News Services
Date 21 May 1997 14:17:17

Date:      May 22, 1997
Contact:  Paula Wilding
V:  847/742-5100   F:  847/742-6103
E-MAIL:   CoBNews@AOL.Com

Newsline           May 22, 1997  

This is Newsline for the week of May 22. In the news today:  
1) Orientation begins Friday for 12 Church of the Brethren young  
     adults participating this year in Ministry Summer Service.
2) Volunteers are still being sought to help construct the Church
     of the Brethren/Habitat for Humanity house at Annual 
3) A fulltime coordinator of ministerial leadership is being 
     sought by the Church of the Brethren General Board and
     Bethany Theological Seminary. 
4) Mid-Atlantic District names Pamela Leinauer to serve as its 
     new executive. 
5) Two Brethren will receive honorary degrees from Manchester 
     College on Sunday. 
6) An Estate and Financial Planning Seminar will be held at 
     Bridgewater College next week. 
7) A festival for biblical storytelling will be held in August.
8) "Mennonite Your Way" directory is also available for purchase
     through Brethren Press.  

1) Twelve young adults will comprise Ministry Summer Service's
1997 orientation unit when  training commences on Friday.
Orientation, which will be held at Bethany Theological Seminary,
Richmond, Ind., will continue through May 30. Now in its second
year, MSS is designed to give young adult interns leadership
experience in congregations, camps or districts. It is sponsored
by the General Board's Youth and Young Adult Ministry and
Brethren Volunteer Service.  

Orientation will be led by Judy Mills Reimer, MSS volunteer
coordinator. During that time, the interns will will visit a
Church of the Brethren congregation, participate in a service
project, interact with Bethany faculty and staff, spend time with
their respective mentors, and hold nightly worship services.  

Participants, who will spend the summer working in Church of the
Brethren congregations, camps or districts, will earn a $2,000
college tuition grant. This year's interns (listed by name with
home congregation, placement and mentor) are:  

Heidi Beck, Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren, Fort Wayne,
Ind., to Chicago First Church of the Brethren. Mentor -- Orlando

Jon Brush, Manassas (Va.) Church of the Brethren to Virlina
District Office, Roanoke, Va. Mentor -- David Shumate.  

Ginger Gates, Brownsville (Md.) Church of the Brethren to
Jennersville Church of the Brethren, West Grove, Pa. Mentor --
Mary Jane Myers.  

Audrey Osborne, Westminster (Md.) Church of Brethren to
Westminster (Md.) Church of Brethren. Mentor -- Scott Duffey.  

Stacey Perdue, Mount Hermon Church of the Brethren, Bassett, Va.
to San Diego Church of the Brethren. Mentor -- Jeff Glass.  

Heather Replogle, Bridgewater (Va.) Church of the Brethren, to
Camp Swatara, Bethel, Pa. Mentor -- Demetra Heckman.  

Jamie Risser, Lewiston (Minn.) Church of the Brethren to Palmyra
(Pa.) Church of the Brethren. Mentor -- Wally Landes.  

Jennifer Sink, Ninth Street Church of the Brethren, Roanoke, Va.,
to Boulder Hill, Montgomery, Ill. Mentor -- Anna Lee Heisey.  

Richard Stiver, Donnels Creek Church of the Brethren, North
Hampton, Ohio, to Peace Valley (Mo.) Church of the Brethren.
Mentor -- Sandy Bosserman.  

Joel Ulrich, York Center Church of the Brethren, Lombard, Ill.,
to Bella Vista Church of the Brethren, Los Angeles. Mentor --
Gilbert Romero.  

Carrie Weller, Virden (Ill.) Church of the Brethren to Camp
Bethel, Fincastle, Va. Mentor --Andy Wells.  

Rachel Zerkle, Greenville (Ohio) Church of the Brethren to
Germantown (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. Mentor -- Earl Eby.   

2) Volunteers are still being sought to help construct the Church
of the Brethren/Habitat for Humanity house during Annual
Conference, June 30-July 4, in Long Beach, Calif. Several slots
are open each day for volunteers with basic and advanced building
skills -- framing, roofing, drywalling, painting, landscaping,
cleaning and plumbing. Other needs include installing interior
trim, electrical and heating systems, and floor coverings. To
sign up, contact The Andrew Center at 800 774-3360 or at

3) A coordinator of ministerial leadership issues, events and
programs is being sought by the Church of the Brethren General
Board and Bethany Theological Seminary.   

This coordinator, formally called coordinator of the Brethren
Academy for Ministerial Leadership, will plan leadership
development events, supervise certificate programs for
ministerial training and work in conjunction with the General
Board's director of Ministry, coordinator of District Ministry
and Congregational Life Teams, and with the faculty and staff of
Bethany and the 23 Church of the Brethren districts. This person
will report both to the General Board and to Bethany Seminary.  

People interested in this job should apply as soon as possible.
The 60-day application period began on Monday, and the interview
committee will meet with candidates at its own discretion over
the next two months. The interview committee hopes to name an
appointment to the position by mid-July.   

4) Pamela Leinauer has been named Mid-Atlantic District
executive, effective July 7. Leinauer has served as associate
executive for the district since 1985. Along with her call to the
executive position, Leinauer has been called into the set-apart
ministry and her credentialling process has begun. Leinauer holds
a bachelor's degree from University of California and a master's
degree from Johns Hopkins University.   

5) Two Church of the Brethren members will receive honorary
degrees at the Manchester College, North Manchester, Ind.,
commencement on Sunday. Patricia Kennedy Helman, a member of
Lincolnshire Church of the Brethren, Fort Wayne, Ind., served as
the college's first lady from 1956 to 1986. She is an ordained
Church of the Brethren minister and coordinator of the
denomination's Association of the Arts. Paul Hoffman, a 1954
Manchester graduate, served on the faculty from 1962 to 1976.
Hoffman served as president of McPherson (Kan.) College --
another Brethren-affiliated college -- from 1976 to 1996.   

6) Bridgewater (Va.) College will host its annual Estate and
Financial Planning Seminar on Thursday. The seminar, which is
designed to help people financially plan for retirement, will be
led by Phillip Stone Jr. and John Flora, partners in the law firm
of Wharton, Aldhizer & Weaver. For more information, contact
Ellen Layman, director of Public Information, 540 828-5452;   

7) The 10th Annual Festival/Gathering of the ecumenical Network
of Biblical Storytellers will be held Aug. 6-9 in Tipp City,
Ohio. "Holy Laughter: Humor in the Stories of God" will serve as
the conference's theme. Author Doug Adams will serve as the
keynote speaker. For more information, contact NOBS at 800
355-6627 or at Nobsint@United.Edu.   

8) The May 16 Newsline included information about the latest
Mennonite Your Way Directory. That directory can also be
purchased through Brethren Press, and will be in stock at
Brethren Press' Annual Conference bookstore in Long Beach. For
more information, contact Brethren Press Customer Service at 800
441-3712 or at Brethren.Press.parti@Ecunet.Org.   

Newsline is archived with an index at and at  

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