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Rev. McAnally Is Elected Chair of the PILP Board of Directors

Date 21 Apr 1998 09:25:53

    The Rev. Ben F. McAnally Is Elected Chair 
     of the PILP Board of Directors 
    by Julian Shipp 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-During its board of directors meeting here March 7-8, the 
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Investment and Loan Program (PILP) elected the 
Rev. Ben F. McAnally of Tyler, Texas, its new chair. 
    McAnally retired last November. Before his retirement, he served as 
interim executive presbyter of Palo Duro Presbytery for the last 16 months. 
McAnally served as associate presbyter for church development in Grace 
Presbytery for 11 years, then as interim pastor at Covenant Presbyterian 
Church in Sherman, Texas, for two years before his Palo Duro call. 
    McAnally presently serves on the Mission Development Resources 
Committee of the National Ministries Division in a term that expires on 
Dec. 31. He has served as moderator of that committee for five years. 
    "I would like to see the resources of PILP, both in investments and in 
loans to congregations, reach a really high level of participation," 
McAnally told the Presbyterian News Service. 
    According to the Rev. Kenneth G.Y. Grant, PILP president and chief 
executive officer, the corporation ended last year with $9.2 million in 
investments plus $4.5 million in investment commitments - more than the 
$12.2 million goal set early in 1997 but significantly lower than the 
original investment goal of $19.8 million established when the program was 
founded two years ago. 
    Grant said that a strategic review of investment products and marketing 
practices has been completed, leading to changes in the business plan being 
adopted at the annual meeting. The changes will allow the new corporation 
to garner an additional $11 million in investments to reach its 1998 goal 
of $15 million in loans. PILP extended $6.6 million in loans - either 
committed or closed - in 1997. 
    During its March meeting, PILP initiated phase two of its 1998 
strategic plan to ensure growth. The plan's four objectives include 
    * developing the marketing skills of the board's Marketing Committee, 
      staff and volunteers 
    * selling investments to spur church growth 
    * making church development loans that will attract investors 
    * creating processes and materials for expanded marketing programs. 
    In order to achieve its long-range  goals, McAnally said, PILP needs 
"to continue to be aggressive in marketing investments to Presbyterians." 
He said PILP is among the few programs he is aware of in the denomination 
that "conduct ministry by letting the church use an investor's money while 
the principal and interest remain intact for the investor." McAnally said 
his dream is to see PILP in the next few years reach $100 million in 
investments, with most of that money being loaned to congregations. 
    "You can invest your money with PILP.  We do ministry with it. When you 
need the money, it is available with accrued interest," McAnally said. 
"It's a total win-win situation, and I would like to see more and more 
congregations availing themselves of it." 
    Grant praised McAnally for his experience and excitement in serving 
PILP. "Ben will bring a unique set of qualifications and abilities to the 
leadership of this board," Grant said. 
    McAnally said his hobbies include woodworking, traveling and family 
activities. He and his wife, Janell, have four adult children and three 
    McAnally replaces Al Puryear of the Bronx, N.Y., who led the PILP board 
for more than two years and who continues to serve the organization as a 
member of its Marketing Committee. Grant described Puryear as "a trusted 
colleague and adviser" and said he "will miss his hand at the helm." 
    Richard B. Lohrer of Palo Verdes Estates, Calif., was elected as PILP's 
new vice chair. McAnally and Lohrer will both serve a one-year term, which 
(pending reelection) will end at the conclusion of PILP's 1999 annual 
    PILP's next board of directors meeting will be held May 16-17 in 
Louisville, Ky. Plans are also under way for another meeting July 10-12, 
during which time the board will devote considerable time to planning and 
training for its work ahead. 

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