From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Lutheran Global Events to 'Communicate Hope'

From Brenda Williams <>
Date 11 Jun 1998 16:04:38


June 12, 1998


     CHICAGO (ELCA) --  "Communicate Hope" will be the theme when up to
4,400 members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gather this
year for Global Mission Events.  
     Three summer events are to be held July 9-12 at the University of
Wisconsin, La Crosse; July 16-19 at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy,
N.Y.; and July 23-26 at San Jose State University, San Jose, Calif. 
Another Global Mission Event will be held Oct. 30- Nov. 1 in San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
     The events will feature speakers from Argentina, Ethiopia, Russia,
Saint Lucia and the United States.  
     "The heart of the Global Mission Event is a challenge that through
hearing stories of mission all of us -- children, youth and adults -- will
be inspired to go home and tell the story, to boldly communicate hope in
Jesus Christ," said the Rev. Margarita Martínez, ELCA associate director
for global events. 
     The theme text is from the New Testament book of Acts (4:20): "... We
cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard."  ELCA members
will come together to "celebrate, deepen our commitment to mission and grow
in love and care for each other and all God's creation," Martínez said.
     Emphasis will be on recognizing daily events as opportunities to
testify to Jesus, advocating a message of hope, declaring our Christian
identity and equipping ourselves to use today's technology as a tool for
Christian communication, according to Martinez.
     "This year we want to stress the urgency of sharing our faith and
witness," Martínez said.  "We wish to challenge every member of the ELCA to
speak up and be bold about their faith in Jesus Christ.  We have a message. 
We have the promise of the Holy Spirit, and we have a community of faith to
support us in our sharing."
     At the first three events the Rev. James Kenneth Echols, president of
the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, will speak for the opening
celebration.  The Rev. Wakseyoum Idossa of the Ethiopian Evangelical
(Lutheran) Church Mekane Yesus will provide a keynote address.  Wakseyoum
is president of the church's Central Synod.
     Monsignor Patrick A.B. Anthony, St. Lucia, will provide daily Bible
studies.  Anthony is a member of the World Association for Christian
Communication.  The Rev. Twila K. Schock, ELCA missionary at the Moscow
Protestant Chaplaincy in Russia, will be the preacher for Sunday's worship
that closes the event.
     The San Juan event has a special component celebrating the 100th
anniversary of the Lutheran church in Puerto Rico.  The Rev. H. George
Anderson, presiding bishop of the ELCA, will be the keynote speaker and Dr.
José Míguez Bonino will lead the Bible studies.  Míguez teaches liberation
theology at the Evangelical Institute for Higher Theological Studies
(ISEDET) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
     Seven "global university" sessions featuring 75-100 courses will be
offered during each event.  Topics range from reconciling and rebuilding in
Liberia to the struggle for self-determination in East Timor, from soup
kitchen ministry in Moscow to health education in Chile, from "Surfing the
World: Using the Web" to learning "Percussion for Passion, Power and
     ELCA missionary staff working in many countries will take part along
with international guests from partner churches around the world.  Music
will come from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, North America
and Europe.  A special workshop track at La Crosse and Troy will feature
concentrated study of Islam.
     The events are inter-generational.  A first-ever youth curriculum is
called "Surfin'@GME."  Children will take part in special global programs
and activities.

For information contact: 
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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