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PPC Targets Adult Learners with New Curriculum Now Available

Date 12 Jun 1998 20:13:32

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    PPC Targets Adult Learners with 
    New Curriculum Now Available 
    by Julian Shipp 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-The Presbyterian Publishing Company (PPC) is again 
expanding its congregational resources with the launch of a new adult Bible 
curriculum called "Good Ground: Letting the Word Take Root." 
    According to PPC officials, a special "Good Ground" announcement 
brochure is on its way to all churches within the Presbyterian Church 
(U.S.A.) as part of PPC's spring curriculum mailing. It also will be 
prominently featured in PPC's midyear catalog of new congregational 
resources and Geneva Press titles, to be mailed in August. 
    "`Good Ground' is a unique approach to adult Bible study," said the 
Rev. Tom Long, PPC director of congregational resources and Geneva Press. 
"It goes to the scriptures for questions, not just answers. When we ask, 
`How can I be saved?' the Bible asks, `Whom will you serve?' When we ask, 
`What will happen to me when I die?' the Bible asks, `What does the Lord 
require of you?' `Good Ground' lets the Bible ask the questions and lets 
participants struggle with the answers." 
    PPC officials said they identified a need within the denomination for 
an interactive Sunday school curriculum for adults.  "`Good Ground' fills 
that void," Long said. 
    "Good Ground" is created for a broad audience, but specifically targets 
those adults who enjoy using a range of learning styles, according to PPC 
officials.  In "Good Ground," participants make connections between the 
Word and the world through a variety of thought-provoking activities. 
    "These are sessions in which learning happens rather than sessions in 
which teaching happens," Long said. 
    PPC offers the new resources within the PC(USA) as an expansion of its 
cooperative distribution and editorial consultation association with 
Brethren Press and Faith & Life Press, co-publishers of "Good Ground" as 
well as the popular "Generation Why" and "Fast Lane" Bible studies for 
young people. 
    "`Generation Why' and `Fast Lane' are two of the finest hands-on, 
reality-based youth studies on the market and are quite popular with 
educators and pastors within the Presbyterian Church," said Bill Falvey, 
PPC retail marketing manager. "When we explored `Good Ground' and saw that 
it utilizes similar contemporary techniques and creative learning 
approaches within a sound biblical framework, we were anxious to provide it 
right away. It's literally fresh off the press." 
    The two fall units of "Good Ground" will be available in June, and two 
winter units will be off the press in July, so that users will be able to 
start the Sunday school year with four titles to choose from. Over the 
planned four-year cycle, nearly all books of the Bible will be covered. 
Each study is six sessions long, with two studies offered each quarter. 
    According to PPC officials, the "Good Ground" name is inspired by the 
parable of the sower, in which some seed falls on good ground and brings 
forth good grain. Beginning with the premise that everyone has equal access 
to the Bible's truth, all "Good Ground" participants, including the leader, 
use identical copies of the book. Each costs $5.95. 
    To order materials, call PPC at 1-800-227-2872. For more information on 
"Good Ground," call PPC curriculum consultant Cathy George at (502) 
    PPC is the publisher of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It produces 
educational resources for Presbyterian congregations and members, as well 
as theological and religious books and other material for a wider audience. 

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