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1998 Walton Award Winners Announced

Date 15 Jun 1998 20:39:11

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    1998 Walton Award Winners Announced 
    by Jerry Van Marter 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--The National Ministries Division Committee has announced 
the winners of the 1998 Walton Fund Awards to outstanding Presbyterian new 
church developments. 
    Each award includes a $30,000 cash prize to enhance the ministries of 
the award-winning congregations. 
    The awards, funded from a $3 million endowment established by Helen and 
the late Sam Walton, were given to Crossroads Presbyterian Church, 
Limerick, Pa; Hahnbit Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Ga; Island Memorial 
Presbyterian Church, Corpus Christi, Texas; New Life Presbyterian Church, 
Milwaukee, Wis.; Roanoke Island Presbyterian Church, Manteo, N.C.; St. 
Andrews Presbyterian Church, Beulah, Mich.; United Church of Angel Fire, 
Angel Fire, N.M.; and Windsor Presbyterian Church, Windsor, Calif. 
    The National Ministries Division Committee also announced that six 
Presbyterian-related schools and colleges have received special awards for 
innovative programs in teaching the Bible.  The grants, of $10,000 or less 
in some cases, are given annually by the Higher Education Program Area of 
the National Ministries Division.  1998 award recipients are Menaul School, 
Albuquerque, N.M.; Montreat College in N.C.; Stillman College in 
Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, N.C.; Waynesburg 
College in Pa.; and Wilson College in Chambersburg, Pa. 

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