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Presbyterians in Scientific Vocations to Be Honored

Date 15 Jun 1998 21:46:35

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    Presbyterians in Scientific Vocations to Be Honored 
    by Midge Mack 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--The five-year-old Presbyterian Association on Science, 
Technology and the Christian Faith (PASTCF) will honor four of its members, 
Presbyterians whose Christian vocation is in science, technology, or 
science education, at a luncheon meeting in the Mecklenburg Room of the 
Holden Hotel Thursday, June 18. 
    Iain Campbell, biologist and professor at the University of Pittsburgh, 
along with Derek Pursey, Dubuque, Iowa, physicist and emeritus professor at 
Iowa State University,  Rebecca Stricklin, high school chemistry teacher in 
Cincinnati and  Robert Wagner, geneticist and emeritus professor at the 
University of Texas in Austin, will be recognized for excellence in their 
fields and their contributions to the "Science as  Christian Vocation" 
project.  The project, launched last fall, required participants to prepare 
essays demonstrating how they see their work as a calling of God and how 
their lives express their Christian faith and commitment. 
    With a membership of  175, PASTCF is an organization comprised of 
scientists, engineers, science educators,  pastors and interested lay 
persons who are committed to the proposition that scientific knowledge and 
endeavors and Christian faith can be complementary, not opposites. 
    The "Science as Christian Vocation" award project will be continued 
annually.  Other group programs include encouraging individual scientific 
efforts locally and facilitating adult education courses and discussion 
groups in local congregations. 

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