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Semper Reformanda (Abr) Votes to Support

Date 15 Jun 1998 22:58:19

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Semper Reformanda (Abr) Votes to Support 
'The Open Letter to The Presbyterian Church (U.s.a.) 
^From a Group of Concerned African-american Clergy And Laity' 
    by John Gregg 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--In its annual pre-General Assembly Conversation, held in 
Charlotte, N.C., on June 10-11, Semper Reformanda (Always Being Reformed), 
voted enthusiastically to endorse the challenging open letter from 
African-American leaders in the denomination, and to support Overture 98-65 
from the Presbytery of National Capital which asks General Assembly to 
implement the recommendations of the open letter. 
     Specifically, the open letter and the Overture ask the church to 
convene "a special conference on 'The Nature of the Unity We Seek in our 
Diversity,' to be held within six months following the adjournment of the 
210th General Assembly (1998)." 
     The open letter and the Overture further recommend that: 
"(1) the conference include persons who represent the broad diversity of 
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) at this point in time, 
(2) the discussion focus on an informed analysis of the modern history of 
ecclesiastical conflicts within the Reformed tradition and their 
resolution, the nature of and need for justice in church and society, the 
meaning of the love and grace of Jesus Christ in Reformed theology, and the 
values and contributions of our various diversities in light of the unity 
already given to us; and 
(3) the report from this conference, with accompanying documents, be 
prayerfully received by the 211th General Assembly (1999) as advisory and 
ministerial counsel for all members and congregations, We also call upon 
sessions, presbyteries, synods, and theological institutions to consider 
seriously undertaking similar conferences prior to the convening of the 
211th General Assembly (1999)." 
     In the discussion before the vote, members of Semper Reformanda made 
it clear that a conference on "The Nature of the Unity We Seek in our 
Diversity" is exactly the topic for discussion that should engage all 
Presbyterians who would try to serve within the church with creativity, 
integrity, and love. This General Assembly absolutely should not take a 
sabbatical from the difficult struggle to correct systemic injustice in the 
church or in the world. 
     Semper Reformanda is an organization of Presbyterians, which has four 
1.  Maturing in Gospel understanding, appropriation, and expression; 
2.  Working to correct systemic injustice in church and society; 
3.  Encouraging communities of prayer/study/action/reflection; and 
4.  Strategizing and action with Presbyterian groups that share our 
     Groups that now participate in SR(ABR) are: Chautauqua Presbyterian 
Renewal Group, Presbyterians for Lesbian and Gay Concerns, Presbyterian 
Peace Fellowship, Presbyterians for Restoring Creation, Voices of Sophia, 
and The Witherspoon Society. 
     In the annual meeting of Semper Reformanda, Kenneth Smith was elected 
to a second one-year term as moderator. 

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