From the Worldwide Faith News archives

The Best Days Begin with Worship

Date 16 Jun 1998 20:54:48

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    The Best Days Begin with Worship 
    by Joanne Hines 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--The Third Great End of the church is the Maintenance of 
Divine Worship.  If  that sounds stuffy and out of date, you would never 
have known it in worship on Monday morning. The soul stirring music of the 
Clanton Presbyterian Church Gospel Choir called us to wake up and reclaim 
the  importance of worship for the Church.  Gospel music, lovely organ 
offerings from William Crowder and the old and new hymns of the church 
resounded as commissioners and friends lifted their voices in song and 
    Drawing on Psalm 137 and the experience of Paul on the isle of Patmos 
as recorded in the first chapter of Revelation, Larry Hill, pastor of 
Matthews-Murkland Presbyterian Church of Charlotte preached to an 
enthusiastic congregation of commissioners and friends. 
    Reminding us that our unity relies on the Spirit, Hill eloquently both 
chided and cheered us to remember that we, like Paul, are always together 
in the Spirit on the Lord's day.  And though we are sometimes divided by 
distance or doctrine - we can be together in worship and witness. The same 
Spirit who bound Paul to the Christian community though he was miles from 
them is the one which binds us to each other. 
    With increasing fervor and enthusiastic response from the congregation, 
he urged us not to forget that we can celebrate or despair our differences, 
but we are still one people - God's people. He reminded us that Christ will 
give us new life and vitality and keep us together if we remember who we 
are. "The Assembly has been called to order," he said, "but more 
importantly, we have been called to worship!" 
    Ending his message on a resounding note,  Hill reminded us that, as 
Presbyterians, we are at our best when worshiping, working and praying. 
And when Presbyterians are at their best, nobody does it any better. 
    Participants in the service included musicians from two churches, 
several pastors in the Presbytery of Charlotte, the Presbytery of Salem and 
the executive presbyter of the Presbytery of Providence. 

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