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"Just Peacemaking" Resolution, Other Peacemaking Matters Pass

Date 21 Jun 1998 05:54:33

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Assembly 19-June-1998 
"Just Peacemaking" Resolution, Other Peacemaking Matters  Pass Assembly 
                         by Nancy Rodman 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--The General Assembly on Thursday afternoon acted on an 
array of matters related to peacemaking and international service and 
   The Assembly renewed its commitment to its previously established 
principles of peacemaking when it approved  "Just Peacemaking and the Call 
for International Intervention for Humanitarian Rescue," a comprehensive 
resolution grounded in trust in the sovereignty of God in World affairs and 
the conviction that Jesus Christ is central to all peacemaking activities.  
   Among the principles reaffirmed by the Assembly are nonviolent means of 
conflict resolution and social change, the importance of human rights, 
religious liberty, and democratic principles, the strengthening of 
international cooperation through the United Nations, and the promotion of 
racial and gender justice. 
   The resolution also affirms criteria concerning military intervention 
for humanitarian purposes.  These criteria include genuine need that cannot 
be met by means other than intervention, reasonable chance of alleviating 
the conditions it seeks to overcome, and minimum coercion. 
   The General Assembly Council, agencies, and divisions of the 
denomination will develop study materials on "Just Peacemaking and the Call 
for International Intervention for Humanitarian Rescue" and organize an 
ecumenical consultation on these topics to be held in conjunction with the 
211th General Assembly. 
   Church Reaffirms Its Commitment to Universal Human Rights 
   December 10, 1998, is the 50th anniversary of the United Nations' 
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document that has inspired 
worldwide efforts to improve the quality of human life, and in this 
anniversary year the General Assembly has reaffirmed its commitment to the 
human rights principles to which it has long given witness. 
   In its resolution on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 
Assembly commends the UN for its human rights leadership and calls on the 
U.S. government to meet its financial obligations to that body and to 
support the efforts of the UN to create an effective International Criminal 
Court for crimes of war and crimes against humanity. 
   In a related matter, the Assembly directed the stated clerk to publish 
the "Human Rights Update 1997-98" with a study action guide, and to 
distribute it to middle governing bodies and sessions, calling special 
attention to Human Rights Day on December 10, 1998, and requested prayer 
and advocacy for all victims of human rights abuse and for those who 
persecute them. 
    Assembly Calls for End to Economic Sanctions Against Iraq 
   The General Assembly has called for an end to all economic sanctions 
against Iraq that make it difficult or impossible for essential items, such 
as food, medicine and hospital supplies, school books and other supplies, 
and materials needed to provide drinkable water, to reach the people of 
Iraq.  Safeguards, such as military sanctions, that are designed to prevent 
the government of Iraq from acquiring or developing the means of mass 
destruction, would be maintained in such a way that the delivery of 
essential items is not prevented. 
   Comprehensive efforts by the United Nations, the United States, and the 
governments of the Middle East are called on to remove all weapons of mass 
destruction from the region as a part of the worldwide effort to eliminate 
such weapons and end their development.  The government of Iraq is called 
on to redirect its resources from developing and deploying instruments of 
destruction to enterprises beneficial to the Iraqi people. 
   The resolution also calls for prayer and advocacy for the people of 
        GA Signs on To International Year of Older Persons 
   The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will celebrate 1999 as the 
International Year of Older Persons, commending and joining with the United 
Nations in this time of celebration, ministry, and study. 
   During the International Year of Older Persons, congregations and middle 
governing bodies will be encouraged to provide opportunities for 
interaction between the generations, leadership development, and resources. 
Older adults will be encouraged to seek out new opportunities for service 
to the church and all who are involved in Older Adult Ministry will be 
invited to become members of the Older Adult Ministry Network.  Theological 
seminaries will be asked to include courses, field education opportunities 
and internships in their curriculum.  Materials supporting the 
International Year of Older Persons will be made available. 
   The ministry of caregiving in a rapidly aging population which includes 
those with debilitating and/or fatal illnesses will be the subject of study 
and a report by the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy.  ACSWP 
will consult with the Office on Older Adult Ministry and report its 
findings and recommendations no later than the 213th General Assembly in 
                    Gifts of Women Reaffirmed 
   The General Assembly restated its pubic commitment to honor women's 
gifts of ministry while recognizing that relations between the genders in 
the United States and other developed nations are complex.  The News 
Service of the PCUSA is requested to make public the church's positive 
understanding of women's equality in church and family. 
   Out of sensitivity to ecumenical relations and a recognition that this 
action could be seen as a direct response to the recent action on the role 
of women by the Southern Baptist Convention, a comment was attached to the 
resolution acknowledging this concern and suggesting that Presbyterian 
concerns be presented to our Southern Baptist sisters and brothers so that 
dialogue on the matter might begin.      
                 Assembly Acts on Related Matters 
The General Assembly took these actions on other matters related to 
peacemaking, international service and concerns: 
   Called for United States economic and military aid to Israel to be 
contingent on Israel's 
   fulfilling the terms of the Oslo accords. 
   Agreed to continue to work for peace and reconciliation on the Korean 
Peninsula through 
   dialogue with North Korean and U.S. government officials. 
   Called on the church to pray urgently for the people of Colombia, to 
become aware of the 
   issues and concerns there, to support the Presbyterian Church of 
Colombia with financial 
   contributions to Presbyterian Church extra commitment opportunities and 
disaster relief.  
   Addressed the situation in Kosovo by calling for prayer, cessation of 
attacks on ethnic 
   Albanians by the Serbian government, and international arbitration and 
   Added Burma to the list of countries where there are major violations of 
human rights and 
   massive human suffering, called for prayer for the people of Burma, and 
called for 
   UNOCAL, TOTAL, and ARCO to end their corporate involvement there until a 
   government is in place.  
   Revised the General Assembly Military-Related Investment Guidelines that 
have been in 
   effect, with refinements, since 1982.  Under the guidelines, it is the 
policy of the PCUSA 
   not to invest in the securities of publicly-traded corporations engaged 
in military-related 
   production and provides for a waiting period of one year before 
divestment and for dialogue 
   with the corporations. 
   Endorsed and supported the Jubilee 2000 campaign calling for the 
definitive cancellation of 
   international debt in situations where countries with high levels of 
human need and 
   environmental distress are unable to meet the needs of their people.  
   Expressed concern regarding the situation of 15 Puerto Ricans serving 
extended sentences 
   for criminal actions that took place in the 1980s and directed the 
stated clerk to request the 
   Attorney General of the United States to authorize a review of the 
sentences and to seek 
   clemency if that is appropriate. 
   Called for a church-wide celebration of the 50th anniversary of the One 
Great Hour of 
   Sharing in 1999, giving thanks for 50 years of faithful witness through 
OGHS, rejoicing in 
   the ministries the offering has supported, and giving thanks for all who 
have supported it. 

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