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Presbyterians Promise to Make Evangelism a Priority

Date 21 Jun 1998 13:35:38

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       Presbyterians Promise to Make Evangelism a Priority 
                         by Joanne Hines 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--Racial Ethnic/Immigrant Evangelism, New Church Development 
and strategies for urban church growth were obvious priorities for the 
General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) this year.  
   Commissioners voted to move forward with ministries to specific groups 
of persons making sure that racial ethnic persons are involved in the 
planning and implementation of ways to reach out to Hispanic, Native 
American, Korean American and new immigrant groups.  
   It further urged that the General Assembly Council seek ways to fund the 
support necessary to implement those commitments to meet the goal of a 10 % 
racial/ethnic constituency by the year 2000 and a 20 % constituency by 
   Responses to referrals to continue to study evangelistic efforts in 
small and rural churches, explore funding, develop and implement 
advertising and media campaigns and strive for specific numerical goals 
were also approved. 
   The Assembly concurred in the recommendation of the Evangelism Committee 
to add commissioned  lay pastors to those who would be able to organize new 
churches and gave the presbytery commissions for a newly developing church 
more leeway to assume the same duties afforded the session of an organized 
   Commissioners approved the Racial Ethnic Church Growth Strategy Report 
and directed ensuing Assemblies to implement and coordinate the strategies 
and to annually report  the results. Funding was, again, a primary 
consideration.  Commissioners directed the strategy team to recommend a 
long range funding plan giving priority to racial ethnic church growth. 
They approved an overture from the Synod of the Northeast encouraging risk 
taking and radical innovation in all congregations.   
   The Urban Strategy Task Force Report (Part I and II) was also received 
and commended for its intent.  It will be printed with comment in the 
Minutes of General Assembly.  
        Recommendations with financial implications were referred to the 
Council on Theological Education (COTE) and the National Ministries 
Division Urban Strategy Work Group along with consultation from 
Presbyteries Cooperative Committee on Examination of Candidates. 
   Finally, Commissioners Resolution 98-22 challenging each congregation to 
pray for the evangelization of the church and for each one to bring one 
person to Christ this coming year was affirmed.  This committee's report 
concluded with prayer. 

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