From the Worldwide Faith News archives

NCC Statement on the State of the Cities

Date 23 Jun 1998 11:03:52

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the
Contact: Wendy McDowell, NCC, 212-870-2227

62NCC6/23/98             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

BY: The Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, General

JUNE 19, 1998

The National Council of Churches welcomes the
State of the Cities report released by the
Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The State of the Cities confirms the experience
of hundreds of city congregations.  There are
reasons to rejoice, but there are also areas of need
that urgently insist on immediate attention.  We
believe concern for the quality of city life is
required to give practical expression to the God-
given worth and dignity of every human being.

We are grateful for the signs of rebirth and
renewal in many of our nation's cities.  Where there
is an improved economic status along with an overall
decrease in urban crime, there has beeen a positive
impact on millions of households.

Nonetheless, we continue to face seemingly
numerous intractable problems.  In particular, the
growing economic disparity between the rich and poor
requires aggressive attention. Although some
affluent and often childless households are
returning to the cities, the fact remains that in
most urban areas middle class families are moving
out.  The HUD report reminds us that one urban
family in five is poor with even higher rates for
minority groups.  Comparatively, less than one in
ten in suburban communities is poor.  The growing
disparity among rich and poor erodes healthy urban

Even in this time of low unemployment
nationwide, urban joblessness continues to be a
serious problem.  We commend HUD for its efforts to
bring jobs back to the cities through creating
empowerment zones and administering a wide range of
other programs, including loans and grants. We will
urge city congregations to become partners with
business and government in urban, especially inner-
city, job creation.

The HUD report also reminds us that the nation
has a serious urban housing shortage.  It is crucial
that funds be committed to rehabilitate
deteriorating housing stock and build new units.
With many families spending more than half of their
income for housing, approval of funding for at least
the 100,000 new rental vouchers requested by the
President is essential.  We will continue to upbuild
congregations as attractive communities of faith,
compassion and hope for all city people and their

As a partner in the Emergency Food and Shelter
National Board Program (EFSNBP), we know that urban
homelessness also continues to be a serious matter.
People in desperate need are drawn to the inner
cities in search of work and social services often
only to end up in despair and on the streets.  The
improvement in the economy is not able to reach
these people often burdened with functional
difficulties.  We have been consistent advocates of
increased funding for programs that serve the
homeless.  The EFSNBP and many HUD programs bring
the non-profit community and local and federal
government together as partners to help the homeless
in ways that provide useful models for addressing a
wide range of problems.  We applaud!

Finally, we are deeply committed to improving
the health of our city schools.  Where they are
deteriorating and unsafe, with too few teachers in
classes that are too large and too poorly equipped,
immediate tax-supported action is required.  Where
there are also many creative approaches to educating
the nation's children drawing on the resources only
available in urban centers, sustained support is
already warranted.

We commend courageous urban educators.
Correspondingly we oppose proposals that would pay
for private education plans by reducing funding
desperately needed to maintain, operate and improve
the public schools. Strong public education, we
believe, is a cornerstone of healthy democratic

Again, we commend HUD for making this clear and
balanced report available, and we pledge our support
to efforts to improve life in our nation's cities.


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