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Lambeth Section Two report focuses on mission and evangelism

From "Lambeth98" <>
Date 04 Aug 1998 10:01:36

ACNS LC079 - 3 August 1998

Lambeth Section Two report focuses on mission and evangelism

by Doug Tindal
Section Communicator

Mission and evangelism are like two sides of a coin for
Christians, as "all are called and all are sent" to live and
proclaim the Good News, according to the draft report of the
Lambeth Conference's Section Two.

The report quotes Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey's comment
at the mid-point review of the Decade of Evangelism: "Mission
which does not have evangelism as a focus is not Christian
Mission, and evangelism which keeps itself aloof from matters of
justice and human welfare does not reflect adequately the
biblical revelation. We must insist on the seamless character of
mission and evangelism."

The section report targets four major challenges facing the

* the challenge that "God is calling us at this moment" and "is
working in the world today quite beyond the limits of our
budgets, structures, and expectations";

* the impacts of the global economy, particularly on young people
and on the increasing flight from rural areas to cities;

* the "globalisation of the market economy" and its threat to
"the identity and life of nations and communities," which often
respond to this threat with "aggressive assertion of national and
religious identity," which may bring persecution to religious
minorities; and

* the need to remain "faithful to the distinctiveness of the
Gospel" in a world of increased mobility where people of
different faiths must learn to live in harmony.

Stories illustrate report

The 43-page report is enhanced by more than two dozen "stories,"
collected from members of the section to illustrate their
personal experiences of mission and evangelism. The stories
represent vividly the human realities from which the report

Individual sections of the report itself address several themes:

The section on the church as God's partner in mission envisions a
church bringing transformation, rooted in its community and
living in the spirit of Jubilee.

The world God loves speaks to:

* "out of control" globalisation and urbanisation which brings
loss of identity and community;

* the global "youth culture," which sometimes renders
Christianity "alien";

* ministry with children, which too often receives low priority;
* religious pluralism, including a list of "30 theses on
Christian responses to people of other faiths." Christians must
respect the faith of others and have a real desire to listen, the
theses say, working for genuinely open and loving human

Missionary congregation emphasized

With mission as the imperative, the report gives extensive
attention to the missionary congregation, the missionary diocese,
and the missionary bishop in a missionary church. The
congregation is the "fundamental unit for the proclamation of the
gospel . . . . The touchstone by which all other activity in the
wider church is measured is whether it is received as supporting
and encouraging the local congregation in mission."

A clear mission strategy should be "integral" for every diocese
as well, with proclamation and social concern going hand in hand.
Diocesan structure must enable mission. All dioceses should be
encouraged to develop companion link relationships, the report

In addition, "the bishop is, distinctively, someone to whom
apostolic authority is given," the report states. The missionary
bishop's "primary ministry is as servant-leader among the people
of God, sharing his or her vision, and working and living out
with the baptised what it means to be a holy people in the place
and time where they are set."

Restructuring the church for mission and servanthood ministry
requires dioceses to realise that "Episcopal leadership needs to
be transformed so that we are seen to be servants of God's
mission in Christ to his world," the report states. "Leaders at
every level should be appointed who are committed to mission and
evangelism, proclamation, and social action."

Specifically, the report asserts that dioceses should recognize

* "Christ's ministry in the world is most effective when carried
out by people equipped in local Christian communities;

* the administrative structures of the Diocese exist to serve the
local communities of faith; and

* the role of leadership in congregations is to educate, equip,
and empower the ministries of the members."

Resolutions support section's interests

Section 2 has drafted three proposed resolutions for debate
during its plenary business section, scheduled for Wednesday
morning (August 5). Draft resolutions are subject to revision.

* Resolution II.6 on Future Priorities in Mission, "urges that
priority should be given at every level ... to reaching out to
those who have never heard, or never responded to the gospel of
Christ, and to reawakening those whose love has grown cold"; and
calls the people of the Anglican Communion "to be a transforming
church by practising Jubilee, and by sharing resources between
different regions" of the Communion.

* Resolution II.7 on Urbanisation calls on member churches to
"give urgent attention to "Living and Proclaiming the Good News"
in cities so that "all that destroys our full humanity is being
challenged, the socially excluded are being welcomed and the poor
are hearing the Good News." The resolution also would "give
support to Anglican Urban Network to share information and
experience on urbanisation and urban mission" and "support the
establishment of a 'Faith in an Urban World' Commission,' after
due consultation with ecumenical bodies."

* Resolution II.8 on young people "celebrates the dynamic work of
God among young people, and their infinite value in the human
family," and proposes several initiatives "for the health and
welfare of the whole Church," including urging bishops to "give
more attention to the furtherance of ministry to children." The
resolution would also call on bishops to give "significant time
over the next 12 months to meet with young people in their
dioceses," to pay particular attention to "the worship forms of
the church, including the music, which will be meaningful and
challenging to the spirituality of young people," and to give
"urgent consideration" to "how best Anglican networks of young
people may be strengthened and serviced by the structures of the
Anglican Communion."

Susie Erdey contributed to this report.

For further information, contact:

   Lambeth Conference Communications
   Canterbury Business School
   University of Kent at Canterbury
   Telephone: 01227 827348/9
   Fax: 01227 828085
   Mobile: 0374 800212

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