From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Actions of the 210th General Assembly (1998)

Date 16 Sep 1998 20:03:29

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    Actions of the 210th General Assembly (1998) 
    from the Office of the General Assembly 
Editor's note: As a cost-saving measure, the Presbyterian News Service has 
agreed to publish the following communication to the church from the Office 
of the General Assembly. 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-The 210th General Assembly (1998) addressed some actions to 
various parts of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): the whole church, 
Presbyterians, presbyteries, synods, governing bodies, churches, 
congregations, and sessions. The reference in parentheses following an item 
indicates the item's location in the Minutes of the General Assembly, 1998, 
Part I. 
    The following short statements contain only a brief summary. The 
Minutes will contain the actions in their entirety and should be read for a 
full understanding of each issue. 
    To governing bodies, middle governing bodies 
Information: That in the future, the Assembly not seek funds to cover 
liabilities related to lawsuits when governing bodies have not fulfilled 
insurance liability mandates in the "Book of Order." (20.0028, p. 179) 
    Call the congregations and middle governing bodies of the Presbyterian 
Church (U.S.A.) to give attention to and heed the "Message of the 23rd 
General Council of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches." (23.0102, p. 
    Encourage middle governing bodies, sessions, and individual members to 
pray for all victims of human rights abuse and for those who persecute 
them, also seeking ways to act on behalf of these victims. (25.0433, p. 
    Urge governing bodies that have not already done so to establish 
instrumentalities to address issues set forth in G-11.0103aa of the "Book 
of Order," which requires presbyteries "to deal with prevailing, emerging, 
and emergency issues of racism, racial violence, and racial justice, as 
well as with any ideology that promotes racial oppression in the church and 
in the surrounding political and social contexts." (Overture 98-14, which 
was disapproved with comment, p. 60) 
    Instruct entities of governing bodies of the Presbyterian Church 
(U.S.A.) that plan programs for youth, write curricula for youth, or 
otherwise participate in denominational activities for youth to ensure that 
all such programs, curricula, and activities conform to the biblical and 
constitutional standards regarding sexual behavior, and urge all persons in 
leadership relationships with youth in our churches to extend the means of 
God's forgiving grace to those who fall into sexual sin and lead them 
gently to repentance and to a recommitment to sexual purity as disciples of 
our Lord Jesus Christ. (Overture 98-45, p. 677) 
    Call upon all Presbyterians and all Presbyterian governing bodies and 
agencies, especially those concerned with education and support for family 
and community life, to show, in Christlike manner, respect and appreciation 
for persons who conscientiously choose not to conceive children, and to 
avoid all references to these persons that might be taken as indicating 
that their choice in this regard is selfish, irresponsible, or contrary to 
Christian faithfulness. (Overture 98-49, pp. 679-80) 
    Encourage governing bodies and congregations to celebrate the fiftieth 
anniversary of the One Great Hour of Sharing in appropriate ways. (Overture 
98-79, p. 697) 
    Reaffirm [the church's] commitment to protect children from 
environmental hazards by urging all government bodies of the church to ban 
the use of all tobacco products in meetings and buildings under their 
jurisdiction. (Commissioners' Resolution 98-2, pp. 737-38) 
    To synods 
Information: Amendment to SR B.5.c.(2) requiring that overtures that have 
financial implications for current or future years' budgets must be 
delivered in writing to the Stated Clerk postmarked no later than 60 days 
prior to the convening of the General Assembly. Overtures with financial 
implications not received within the designated time limit shall not be 
considered, but shall be returned to the originating governing body. 
(12.0124, p. 130) 
    Presbyteries, in consultation with synods, develop an intentional, 
ongoing, long-term plan for enhancement of pastoral stewardship skills and 
the personal stewardship of pastors. (20.0324, p. 233) 
    Each presbytery, in consultation with its synod, through its committee 
on ministry or other appropriate committee, be encouraged to develop, 
maintain, and provide resources to train pastors and congregations in 
personal financial management skills, financial planning, and debt 
counseling. (20.0325, p. 233) 
    Working together in partnership, the General Assembly Council, synods, 
and presbyteries identify and develop resources (video, print, computer, 
financial, staff) to enhance pastoral skills and develop responsible and 
faithful personal stewardship. (20.0326, p. 233-34) 
    That the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation, the General Assembly 
Council, and the synods be commended for offering in partnership both 
financial and staff support for the highly regarded "Spirit of Stewardship" 
conferences, and that participants and presbyteries be encouraged to 
provide additional opportunities for study, reflection, and shared 
learning. (20.0327, p. 234) 
    Encourage presbyteries, synods, and the General Assembly to provide a 
variety of mission interpretation resources to church members and sessions, 
with a particular emphasis on programs funded by Basic Mission Support. 
(20.0335, p. 234) 
    Encourage presbyteries, synods, and General Assembly to be more 
aggressive in marketing additional opportunities to support budgeted 
functions and programs through the Directed Mission Support component of 
Basic Mission Support. (20.0336, p. 234) 
    Direct every governing body using per capita apportionments to 
communicate clearly and in a timely manner to sessions the purposes for 
which per capita is used. (20.0339, p. 234) 
    Urge presbyteries and synods to consider adopting the "Commitment to 
Peacemaking" in forms appropriate to those governing bodies and commend 
those governing bodies that have done so. (21.0367, p. 372) 
    Encourage presbyteries and synods to support older adult ministry in 
congregations, provide opportunities for older adult ministry leadership 
development, and provide resources. (25.0355, p. 474) 
    Urge synods and presbyteries to become supporting members of Project 
Equality. (26.0012, p. 504) 
    Commend the Standards of Ethical Conduct, together with references and 
examples, to presbyteries and synods as a model for their study, approval, 
and inclusion in their manuals of operation. (43.0024, p 628) 
    Encourage and recommend to General Assembly agencies, synods, 
presbyteries, and congregations not already so engaged to validate vendors 
and suppliers with Project Equality as an action tool in utilizing existing 
economic power to eradicate race and gender-based discrimination in the 
workforce. (Overture 98-24, p. 665) 
    On providing for the convening of a special conference on "The Nature 
of the Unity We Seek in Our Diversity"; call upon sessions, presbyteries, 
synods, and theological institutions to consider seriously undertaking 
similar conferences prior to the convening of the 211th General Assembly 
(1999). (Overture 98-65, p. 690) 
    To presbyteries 
Information: Amendment to SR B.5.c.(2) requiring that overtures that have 
financial implications for current or future years' budgets must be 
delivered in writing to the Stated Clerk postmarked no later than 60 days 
prior to the convening of the General Assembly. Overtures with financial 
implications not received within the designated time limit shall not be 
considered, but shall be returned to the originating governing body. 
(12.0124, p. 130) 
    Information: Report of the Votes of the Presbyteries on Proposed 
Amendments to the Constitution. 
(12.0126, p. 131) 
Information: Approved the following authoritative interpretation of 
G-6.0106 and G-4.0403: "Standing in the tradition of breaking down the 
barriers erected to exclude people based on their condition, such as age, 
race, class, gender, and sexual orientation, the Presbyterian Church 
(U.S.A.) commits itself not to exclude anyone categorically in considering 
those called to ordained service in the church, but to consider the lives 
and behaviors of candidates as individuals." (Overture 97-24, answered with 
an alternate resolution, p. 68) 
    All presbytery committees on preparation for ministry and committees on 
ministry, along with our theological institutions, be encouraged to address 
the theology of stewardship, fiduciary responsibilities, and personal 
financial management as integral aspects of preparation for ministry. 
(20.0322, p. 233) 
    That the Board of Pensions be affirmed for its offering Fiscal Fitness, 
Retirement Planning, and Healthwise Workshops for pastors, beginning with 
seminary students, and that presbyteries strongly urge the participation of 
pastors in these or similar workshops. (20.0323, p. 233) 
    Presbyteries, in consultation with synods, develop an intentional, 
ongoing, long-term plan for enhancement of pastoral stewardship skills and 
the personal stewardship of pastors. (20.0324, p. 233) 
    That each presbytery, in consultation with its synod, through its 
committee on ministry or other appropriate committee, be encouraged to 
develop, maintain, and provide resources to train pastors and congregations 
in personal financial management skills, financial planning, and debt 
counseling. (20.0325, p. 233) 
    That, working together in partnership, the General Assembly Council, 
synods, and presbyteries identify and develop resources (video, print, 
computer, financial, staff) to enhance pastoral skills and develop 
responsible and faithful personal stewardship. (20.0326, p. 233-34) 
    That the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation, the General Assembly 
Council, and the synods be commended for offering in partnership both 
financial and staff support for the highly regarded "Spirit of 
Stewardship"conferences and that participants and presbyteries be 
encouraged to provide opportunities for study, reflection, and learning. 
(20.0327, p. 234) 
    Encourage presbyteries to challenge congregations to give a minimum of 
10 percent of their regular contributions to Basic Mission Support for the 
work of the presbytery, synod, and the General Assembly. (20.0332, p. 234) 
    Encourage presbyteries to challenge congregations already giving 10 
percent or more of regular contributions to Basic Mission Support to set 
higher goals and increase giving by an additional 1 percent of regular 
contributions each year until that goal is achieved. (20.0333, p. 234) 
    Encourage presbyteries to consult with sessions on an annual basis as 
required by the "Book of Order," G-9.0404b. (20.0334, p. 234) 
    That presbyteries, synods, and General Assembly be encouraged to 
provide a variety of mission interpretation resources to church members and 
sessions, with a particular emphasis on programs funded by Basic Mission 
Support. (20.0335, p. 234) 
    That presbyteries, synods, and General Assembly be more aggressive in 
marketing additional opportunities to support budgeted functions and 
programs through the Directed Mission Support component of Basic Mission 
Support. (20.0336, p. 234) 
    Direct every governing body using per capita apportionments to 
communicate clearly and in a timely manner to sessions the purposes for 
which per capita is used. (20.0339, p. 234) 
    Request stated clerks of presbyteries who receive the certificates for 
sessions that have adopted the "Commitment to Peacemaking" to present them 
at a stated meeting of presbytery in such a way as to adequately commend 
the congregation for this achievement. (21.0365, pp. 371-72) 
    Urge presbyteries to find ways to share and celebrate the experiences 
of congregations where sessions have adopted and implemented the 
"Commitment to Peacemaking." (21.0366, 372) 
    Urge presbyteries and synods also to consider adopting the "Commitment 
to Peacemaking" in forms appropriate to those governing bodies and commend 
those governing bodies that have done so. (21.0367, p. 372) 
    Urge peacemaking committees of the presbyteries to contact the sessions 
in their presbytery that have not adopted the "Commitment to Peacemaking" 
to express the importance of this commitment and to urge their adoption of 
it, and urge those session that have not yet considered adopting the 
"Commitment to Peacemaking" to consider doing so. (21.0370, p. 372) 
    Urge presbyteries to partner with General Assembly to develop 
strategies; that a report be made to the 211th General Assembly (1999) and 
212th General Assembly (2000) giving statistics related to these goals 
[that 75 percent of presbyteries have comprehensive strategies for new 
church development operational by the year 2000]. (22.0081-.0082, p. 90) 
    Strongly encourage presbyteries to provide Certified Christian 
Educators ordained as elders a vote in presbytery. (22.0243-.0244, pp. 
    Encourage presbyteries and synods to support older adult ministry in 
congregations, provide opportunities for older adult ministry leadership 
development, and provide resources. (25.0355, p. 474) 
    Urge synods and presbyteries to become supporting members of Project 
Equality. (26.0012, p. 504) 
    Encourage the whole church - congregations, sessions, and presbyteries 
- to study the Nicene Creed during the year of presbytery voting and 
afterward. (38.0037, p. 581) 
    Commend the Standards of Ethical Conduct, together with references and 
examples, to presbyteries and synods as a model for their study, approval, 
and inclusion in their manuals of operation. (43.0024, p. 628) 
    Encourage and recommend to General Assembly agencies, synods, 
presbyteries, and congregations not already so engaged to validate vendors 
and suppliers with Project Equality as an action tool in utilizing existing 
economic power to eradicate race- and gender-based discrimination in the 
workforce. (Overture 98-24, p. 665) 
    Urge every presbytery to meet its full apportionment [of per capita] on 
a timely basis each year pursuant to G-9.0404d, and call upon presbyteries 
to make every attempt to make up past arrears. (Overture 98-41, p. 675) 
    Call upon presbyteries and congregations of the Presbyterian Church 
(U.S.A.) to support the goals of the Jubilee 2000 efforts by sending 
statements of support to key policy makers in the U.S. government and 
multilateral lending agencies. (Overture 98-42, pp. 675-76) 
    On providing for the convening of a special conference on "The Nature 
of the Unity We Seek in Our Diversity"; call upon sessions, presbyteries, 
synods, and theological institutions to consider seriously undertaking 
similar conferences prior to the convening of the 211th General Assembly 
(1999). (Overture 98-65, p. 690) 

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