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Methodists sign letter on East Timor

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 07 Dec 1998 12:13:20

Dec. 7, 1998	Contact: Linda Bloom((212) 870-3803(New York     {716}

By United Methodist News Service

United Methodists were among the signers of a Dec. 2 letter urging to
Clinton Administration to actively support an international referendum
on self-determination for East Timor.

The letter was addressed to Madeleine Albright, the U.S. Secretary of

"As churches and organizations with significant relationships with the
churches and people of East Timor, we continue to hear of their plight,
stemming from the illegal occupation of the territory since 1975 and the
related instances of human rights violations, including detentions
without charge, beatings, disappearances and, in some cases, acts of
torture and even summary executions," the letter said.

Despite the disturbing reports, "we have been encouraged also by the
peaceful efforts of the vast majority of the Timorese people to assert
their rights and continue to speak out for freedom and a nonviolent
resolution of their territory's status," the church leaders continued.

Noting the U.S. Senate's resolution supporting East Timor and the
increasing number of co-sponsors of a similar measure in the House of
Representatives, the signers urged that self determination for East
Timor become "an official part of the nation's foreign policy."

Such a policy would mean "a greater level of attention to this issue in
bilateral discussions with relevant and concerned nations" along with
action through the United Nations.

Albright also was asked  to call for the release of East Timorese
political prisoners and the placing of international monitors in East
Timor to monitor Indonesian troop withdrawal.

United Methodist signers included Bishop Melvin Talbert, San Francisco
Area; Bishop Ernest Lyght, New York Area; Bishop Joseph Sprague, Chicago
Area; the Rev. R. Randy Day, Ridgefield, Conn.; the Rev. Michael Hahm,
Peggy Hutchison, the Rev. Thomas Logsdon, Anna Rhee and Anne Unander,
United Methodist Board of Global Ministries; Jaydee Hanson, United
Methodist Board of Church and Society; and the Rev. Kathryn Johnson,
Methodist Federation for Social Action. 

United Methodist News Service
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