From the Worldwide Faith News archives

To the readers of the Lutheran World Information (LWI)

Date 02 Feb 1999 12:29:35

Daily News Service LWI 1/99,  No.1

GENEVA, 21 January 1999 (lwi) - The new year 1999, has brought some
changes into the Lutheran World Infromation (LWI). Following one of the
resolutions taken by the Council of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in
June last year, the printed version of the LWI will appear once a month
for a one-year trial period. In principle the number of pages will remain
the same as before. However, instead of the average 16-page issue
fortnightly, you will from now on receive an issue of about 32 pages once
a month. Since the print service has reduced its frequency, an up-to-date
fax and on-line news service has been set up.  This new service will,
among other things, be able to better meet the demands of the media.

Lutheran World Information
Assistant Editor, English: Pauline Mumia

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