From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Young people struggle with homosexuality issue

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 02 Aug 1999 13:35:52

Aug. 2, 1999	Contact: Linda Green*(615)742-5470*Nashville, Tenn.

NOTE:  This may be used as a sidebar to UMNS #400.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) - Young people in the United Methodist Church, like
the adults, are not of one mind on the thorny topic of homosexuality.

Issues related to homosexuality were a focus of workshops held during Youth
'99, the five-day gathering sponsored by the United Methodist Board of
Discipleship. The 9,000 teens at the event each had a choice of attending
four out of about 500 workshops. Courses addressed the Bible, careers,
contemporary issues; denominational beliefs, leadership, arts,
skill-building; youth ministry; spirituality, sexuality; and adventure.

The workshop "When elephants fall out of the closet," allowed participants
to discuss what the United Methodist Book of Discipline says about
homosexuality, same-sex unions and homosexual ordination. The listening
session was led by the Rev. Karen Bratton, director of campus ministry in
the Nebraska Annual Conference, and Tim Fickenscher, the youth director at
First United Methodist Church in Omaha, Neb. Names of the young people who
participated in the session were withheld from publication at the request of
the participants, in keeping with the concept of each workshop being a "safe
place" for expressing their viewpoints. 

The 40 youth in the workshop were challenged by scriptural interpretation
and how literally it needs to be interpreted; personal beliefs that conflict
with scriptural beliefs; nature verses nurture; whether the Bible is
relevant; whether the church is really welcoming; and equal rights. From the
small group discussions, it was apparent that the young people, like the
adults in the United Methodist Church, are not of a like mind on the
homosexual issue.

They pondered questions such as: What was Paul writing about in some of his
passages that are believed to refer to homosexuality? Was homosexuality
different then than it is today? Is homosexuality a sin? 

"It has been said that the homosexual issue will split the church. That
doesn't make sense to me, when so much else is going on," one participant

The teens also noted the inequity in United Methodist proscriptions. Several
teens said that the rules about homosexuality were being emphasized while
other types of behavior that could be deemed incompatible with the Bible
were being ignored. "It is a double-standard," one said, citing the church's
position on divorce as an example.

Several young people also shared stories of how the issue affects them
personally. One teen told of a friend who was almost beaten up by classmates
because they found out the friend was gay. "It bothers me when people say
that gay people are going to hell," the youth said. "God says not to judge

"It is frustrating that people who call themselves Christian would hate,"
another said.

Another teen confessed to being totally confused. "Homosexuality is a sin
because the Bible says so, but I'm confused or uncertain about how to look
at people who are gay or talk to them. I've spent time looking at the issue
and I think gayness is a choice. ... You don't have to be that way."

One young person questioned whether homosexuality is a matter of choice or
genetics. "If it is genetic, why would God create something against the
Bible?" the youth asked. "I don't think gay people should be ordained," the
teen continued. "Pastors are supposed to be Christian and like God. Being
gay is a sin."

"I think you are born gay," another participant replied. "Why would someone
make a decision and go through what gay people go through?" 

Another teen, who doesn't believe homosexuality is a sin, said the
Scripture's meaning is based on how it's interpreted by each individual. "It
(the Bible) was translated from another language. How do we know it is
right? The Bible was written so many years ago; times have changed."

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