From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Young Adults to Play Major Role at Parliament of World's Relgions

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date 05 Aug 1999 15:00:10

Aug. 5, 1999
Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions
Mim Neal, 312 629 2990,
John Dart, 818 363 3984,

College-age adults, often given little voice on moral and social
issues, will contribute significantly to the December 1-8 Parliament of the
World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa, an interreligious
millennium-eve event.
"South Africa's historic struggle to end apartheid underscores the
Parliament's focus on applying faith convictions to social realities," said
Jim Kenney, director of the International Interreligious Initiative for the
Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions (CPWR). "Young peoples'
participation ensures the Parliament's continuing relevance."
At the Parliament, young people will have their own symposia on
urban youth, intergenerational bonds, and sustainable initiatives, as well
as access to hundreds of other lectures and workshops. Based on these
encounters, they will create a major plenary session for the 6,000 expected
In Cape Town, hundreds of the world's religious and spiritual
leaders will mingle with scholars, social activists, youth and interested
laity in a unique encounter that has occurred only twice before. The 1893
Parliament in Chicago was the first dialogue between Eastern and Western
religions. A century later, the second Parliament, in Chicago, challenged
8,000 participants to address the world's critical issues. The success of
the 1993 Parliament prompted CPWR's commitment to staging a Parliament
somewhere in the world every five years beginning in 1999.
One "Next Generation" symposium will focus on the Parliament's
working document, "A Call to Our Guiding Institutions." The Call invites
the institutions of religion, government, commerce, education, media,
science, and others, to reassess and redefine their roles in seeking "a
just, peaceful and sustainable future."
The 1999 Parliament will also showcase new interreligious youth
programs. In June, three interfaith organizations proposed an Interfaith
Youth Corps (IFYC) to enable young people to express their spirituality
through service. Designed by CPWR, the United Religions Initiative in San
Francisco, and the Interfaith Center of New York, IFYC is still in
formation but should be ready for unveiling during the Parliament.
To prepare for the December Parliament, young adults in both North
America and South Africa are participating in CPWR conferences. They will
have roles in the August 7 conference in Oakland, California, and September
events in Louisville, Kentucky; New York City; and Vancouver, British
Columbia. In October, a Next Generation celebration will be held in
Ms. Mim Neal
Public Relations Manager
Mr. John Dart
Media Consultant - CPWR / California
Tel. / Fax: 818-363-3984
CPWR Tel.: 312-629-2990
Fax: 312-629-2991 / 3552 / 1287
Direct Line for Mim Neal: 312-629-1120
Web site:
parliament General Info:

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