From the Worldwide Faith News archives

[] #5373

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:18:00

GA99007      Donald G. Campbell Unanimously Elected  
            to Head Congregational Ministries Division            
            Confirmation Vote Set for Friday Afternoon       
FORT WORTH- The Rev. Donald G. Campbell, executive presbyter for Donegal 
Presbytery, was unanimously elected by the General Assembly Council to be 
the next director of the Congregational Ministries Division (CMD) June 17. 
     His confirmation vote by the 211th General Assembly is scheduled for 
the afternoon business session on June 25. 
     "Don was a unanimous choice [of the search committee] for a lot of 
reasons," said search committee chair the Rev. Joanne Hull of Charlotte, 
N.C.  "We believe he is the one who understands our division and its work 
and who can help us do it better." 
     Campbell said he was perfectly happy in Donegal Presbytery but that 
the chance to head the CMD "has reopened me to the theology of the call." 
Campbell waxed almost rhapsodic about "the opportunity to provide the 
resources to the ministers and elders to perform their ministries more 
effectively."  In remarks to the CMD committee prior to his election, he 
said, "Sharing the resources of this great church and putting the right 
ones in the hands of the right people to the glory of God is a rich 
blessing and ministry." 
     Campbell has been executive presbyter of Donegal Presbytery since 
1991.  Before that he served on the staff of New Brunswick Presbytery. 
Following his ordination in 1967, Campbell served pastorates in Easton, 
Doylestown and Butler, Pa.  He is a graduate of Westminster College in 
Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, with advanced degrees 
from Pittsburgh and Princeton Theological Seminaries. 
by Jerry Van Marter 

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