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Christian Education and Curriculum Publishing

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:29:09

         Christian Education and Curriculum Publishing    
FORT WORTH-The Assembly Committee on Christian Education and Curriculum 
Publishing was early on the docket of the 211th  General Assembly.  An 
amended minority report (Overture 99-46) originally proposed by Donegal 
Presbytery was brought to the Assembly which approved changes to the 
sexuality curriculum of the PC(USA).  It was approved by the Assembly to 
     1.  Reaffirm to the churches of our denomination its commitment to 
biblical standards of sexuality and marriage; 
     2.  the current sexuality material be used and that the GAC and CMD be 
          instructed to review and revise the materials in light of our 
concerns for our biblical, constitutional standards and reformed traditions; 
     3.  the revised materials should place emphasis on abstinence and 
sexual purity in all materials teaching God's gracious forgiveness in 
Christ to all who repent and reflect the official PC (USA) stand on sexual 
      4.  directs the GAC and CMD to see that the Scriptures that relate to 
topics in the material be printed in the corresponding places in the 
curricula; and 
      5.  directs that revisions consistent with Recommendations 1, 2, 3 
and 4 above be accomplished and reviewed for compliance by the General 
Assembly Council prior to any reprinting of the curriculum, and reported to 
the 213th General Assembly. (2001) 
     Overture 99-29 from the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks which 
instructed the appropriate GA entity to produce a reference guide to 
Presbyterian colleges engaged in campus or off/campus ministry including 
information on partnership ecumenical campus ministries was approved. 
     Along the same lines, commissioners' resolution 99-22 which affirms 
the importance of campus ministry and encourages congregations near 
campuses to strengthen their programs and encourages those who are involved 
to  pursue a strategy of open inquiry and freedom for individual 
development was amended to be reported to the 213th General Assembly.  At 
this time the presidents of the racial ethnic colleges and schools were 
     Resolution 99-11, known as the "Littleton, Colorado Resolution" was 
recommended with amendments by the committee to be referred to the 
Congregational and National Ministries Division for appropriate action. 
This resolution would ask for resources to be developed which would include 
concerns about parenting courses, parental involvement with youth 
ministries, conflict management and handling of anger, violence in films, 
violent video games, control devices for eliminating and limiting violent 
television programs and control of fire arms and materials for the making 
of bombs.    
     An Overture (99-14) which would have commended Promise Keepers for its 
Christian witness to men, but which also challenged them to combat forms of 
discrimination against women was recommended for disapproval by the 
committee and also by the Assembly.     
     Commissioner resolution 99-10 which provides funds for the continuance 
of the Commission on Enabling Ministry Services and a continuity in 
staffing until full recommendations are accomplished toward the enhancement 
of the capacity of persons with disabilities to engage in ministry of the 
whole church, was amended to provide for an 800 number to be established 
which would provide information and expertise on disability issues from a 
pastoral, theological and practical perspective. 
     Awards were also acknowledged to be presented to Dr. Ronald Calgaard, 
president of Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas,  recipient of the 
1999 Higher Education Award and Honors Awards,  to the Rev. William J. 
Yoder, mission co-worker; the Rev. Jim Nielsen, Campus Ministry; the Rev. 
George Gunn, Campus Ministry and Dr. Yon-Ok Lee, leader in Korean Higher 
     The Consent Agenda which recommended the approval of the Partnership 
Covenant Between the General Assembly and the Racial Ethnic Schools and 
Colleges (22.068-107) was approved as were the recommendations to approve 
PC (USA) related colleges and universities (22.108-112) and secondary 
schools related to the denomination (22.113-114).     
     Moderator of the Committee was Jann Treadwell, vice moderator was Rev. 
Rafael Riquelme 
Joanne Hines 

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