From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Campbell Confirmed by Assembly

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:30:37

                  Campbell Confirmed by Assembly 
 FORT WORTH-The Rev. Donald G. Campbell was confirmed by the 211th General 
Assembly as Director of the Congregational Ministries Division on June 25, 
l999, as recommended by the General Assembly Council and the Assembly 
Committee on Mission Coordination. 
      A seven-member committee chaired by the Rev. Joanne Hull has been 
searching for a person to fill this position for the past ten months.  Hull 
said they had made a special effort to recruit women and racial ethnic 
persons, but had finally come to the enthusiastic and unanimous conclusion 
that Don Campbell is the best choice.   
     He is a graduate of Westminster College and Pittsburgh Theological 
Seminary.  He received a Master of Education degree from Princeton 
Theological Seminary in l969 and a D.Min. from Pittsburgh Theological 
Seminary in l980.   
     He was in the pastorate for 15 years prior to becoming associate 
executive presbyter in New Brunswick Presbytery in l984.  Campbell has been 
executive presbyter of Donegal Presbytery, based in Lancaster, Pa., since 
     "I believe we do ministry together," Campbell told the Assembly, "and 
I look forward to being in ministry with you ." 
      Describing his theological perspective and beliefs, Campbell said, 
"The theological challenge to my Christian life and ministry is to develop 
and use the methods necessary to communicate the message of God's saving, 
renewed love to all who should hear it.  It's possible because God is with 
us and works through us." 
Jane Hines 

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