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Assembly Tackles a Range of Social Issues

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:30:58

            Assembly Tackles a Range of Social Issues 
FORT WORTH-Prostitution, firearms, adoption of special needs children, 
stereotyping, and gender equality were on the docket when the National and 
Social Issues Committee reported to the 211th General Assembly Thursday 
     The Assembly addressed the problem of prostitution by directing the 
Stated Clerk to write to governmental leaders expressing the Presbyterian 
Church (U.S.A.)'s concern that incarceration is a primary means of dealing 
with the problem.  The General Assembly Council (GAC) and individuals and 
churches are called on to advocate for and support measures to help 
individuals get out of prostitution.  The Assembly directed the Advisory 
Committee for Women's Concerns to appoint a work group to study how the 
PC(U.S.A.) is addressing the problems of prostitution, sexual exploitation, 
and sexual addiction and their causes and to report to the 213th (2001) 
Assembly.  Appropriate persons and entities were directed to develop a web 
page and other resources for the study of the problem of prostitution. 
     The Assembly reaffirmed the denomination's support of legitimate 
possession and use of firearms in hunting, the maintenance of a subsistence 
lifestyle, target-shooting, collecting, and other recreational sports.  It 
reaffirmed General Assembly policies that advocacy for strict gun control 
legislation would not cover shotguns and rifles legitimately used in 
recreational sports.  It called upon Presbyterians to become involved in 
programs, activities, and training that discourage misuse of firearms, 
teach safety, and promote accountability. 
     Presbyterians are encouraged to become more involved in providing 
foster care and/or adoption of children with special needs who currently 
reside in Presbyterian-related children's homes or other facilities and to 
support foster and adoptive families.  In addition, the Assembly directs 
the Child Advocacy Office and Presbyterian Child Advocacy Network to assist 
by listing Presbyterian-affiliated homes, making known the availability of 
children, sharing information, and helping to bring potential adoptive 
families together. 
     In actions on hate crimes and stereotyping, the Assembly directed the 
GAC to study the problem of hate crimes based on race, color, national 
origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or disability, produce 
resources and training, and to help congregations and governing bodies 
address the root causes of bias-based violence. It also took steps to 
combat stereotyping on the basis of religion and Native American ethnicity. 
     The goals of the Ecumenical Decade of Churches in Solidarity with 
Women were reaffirmed as the Assembly declared that the fullness of life in 
Christ requires women's full participation in church life, including 
ordination to all offices.  The Advocacy Committees on Social Witness 
Policy and Women's Concerns were requested to study the current status of 
women in the church and society.   
     The Assembly disapproved withdrawal of the Presbyterian Church 
(U.S.A.) from the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. 
Nancy Rodman 

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