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Assembly Passes Emergency Resolution on Middle East Violence

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:34:23

               Assembly Passes Emergency Resolution 
                 on Renewed Middle East Violence 
FORT WORTH-Saturday morning, the 211th General Assembly suspended its rules 
in order to pass an emergency resolution on the renewed violence in the 
Middle East.   
     Introduced by the Rev. James G. Speer of New York City Presbytery, the 
resolution "expresses profound sadness at the deadly Hizbollah attack in 
southern Lebanon, and the retaliation by Israel resulting in more death and 
destruction. We authorize the stated clerk to express our grave concern for 
the peace process underway between Lebanon, Israel and the occupied 
territories.  We join with our ecumenical partners in the region in prayer 
for the victims of this violence and for a quick return to the peace 
Jerry Van Marter 

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