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Fort Worth Group Expresses Thanks for Subsistence-Meal Gift

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:37:33

    Fort Worth Group Expresses Thanks for Subsistence-Meal Gift 
    GA Participants Ate Simply, Saved $4,250 
    by Jerry L. Van Marter 
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - On June 23, participants in the 211th General Assembly of 
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) ate a "subsistence meal" instead of the 
customary fancier fare at the Fort Worth Convention Center. 
    In addition to providing a vivid object lesson about how the people of 
the world eat, the special meal gave the Assembly a chance to save money, 
which was then donated to Tarrant County Meals on Wheels (MOW) for its 
hunger-assistance program. 
    By eating simply, participants enabled the Assembly to donate $4,250 to 
Meals on Wheels.  Floyd Kinser, a MOW board member in Fort Worth, sent the 
following letter to the Rev. Gary Cook, associate for national hunger 
concerns in the Presbyterian Hunger Program office, which coordinated the 
subsistence meal: 
    "Thank you and the Presbyterian Hunger Program for the gift to MOW of 
Tarrant County during the General Assembly Meeting in Fort Worth. With this 
little sacrifice on the part of the commissioners, we at MOW will be able 
to deliver over 1,000 delicious, well-balanced meals to the 
elderly citizens of Tarrant County. 
    "The $ 4,250 was such a generous gift. We are most appreciative of 
being chosen as the recipient. The program, which delivers more than1,850 
meals daily, will continue to be a major factor in serving the needs of the 
elderly and disabled who otherwise would go hungry. 
    "Thank you again for choosing MOW. 
    "Yours in Christ and in faithful community service." 

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  Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
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