From the Worldwide Faith News archives

S.C. Supreme Court rules referendum unconstitutional

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 15 Oct 1999 14:28:42

Oct. 15, 1999 News media contact: Thomas S.
McAnally·(615)742-5470·Nashville, Tenn.    10-71B{542}

By Davie Burgdorf*

COLUMBIA, S.C. (UMNS) - In a surprise move, the South Carolina Supreme Court
struck down a state referendum scheduled for November on the future of video
gambling and ruled that the games would be banned after June 30.

The court ruled unanimously that the vote set for Nov. 2 was
unconstitutional because it gave the lawmaking powers of the legislature to
the general public.

In its decision, the court said, "Citizens and organizations have expended a
vast amount of effort and resources in anticipation of the referendum, and
we take no pleasure in holding he referendum unconstitutional.

"Although we may view the task with disfavor, and may have varying personal
views on the merits of the controversy that surrounds video gaming, we
cannot ignore precedent and our duty to interpret the constitution."

South Carolina United Methodist Bishop J. Lawrence McCleskey applauded the
decision. "I think it is exactly what we wanted to be the outcome of the
referendum," he said. Polls showed that more than 60 percent of voters in
the state were ready to vote against video poker.  

McCleskey said the opinion polls and the large number of churches and
organizations opposing video poker "ought to send a signal to them that this
is what the people want." 

Whether to allow a lottery is still facing South Carolina voters.  McCleskey
said he is heartened by polls showing lack of public support for a lottery
and the recent defeat of a lottery referendum in Alabama.
# # #
*Burgdorf is editor of the South Carolina Advocate newspaper.

United Methodist News Service
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