From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Chasing the elusive statistics in the Anglican Church of Canada

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date 03 Feb 2000 12:09:15

Leanne Larmondin
Website Manager


Statistics seldom excite. But just get them wrong or let someone discover
they're unreliable, and watch what happens.

This issue raised its head recently when the Anglican Church Directory 2000
-- probably the other 'bible' for Anglicans needing information on the
church or wishing to contact other Anglicans -- had to go to print with the
same statistical data it had used the year before. So, for two years in a
row, the directory has given comparative statistical data for the years
1994 through 1996.

The reason? Several dioceses did not send in their statistical returns on

For years, the national office has served as chief source of information
about the size and makeup of the Anglican Church of Canada. Statistics
Canada does ask about religious affiliation in the census, taken every 10
years, but its definition of church membership differs from that of the
church, so StasCan numbers are dramatically different from those collected
by 600 Jarvis. The government's last head count of Anglicans is three times
that of the national church.

Statistics were so important in the early years of the church that General
Synod formed the committee on statistics in 1893. That committee was
disbanded in 1969, when its function was transferred to the Administration
and Finance department. That's not to say, however, that dioceses and
parishes always gave up their statistics willingly. A 1946 General Synod
resolution referred to the fact that only nine bishops had replied to a
request for a report on their areas for 1944. The committee asked to be
relieved of its duties "unless fuller co-operation is forthcoming". Synod
denied the request, but asked the dioceses to do better.

The problem continues; parishes and dioceses have become even more lax
about reporting statistics -- both membership and financial data. Several
are at least two years behind. National church staff can guess why:

* The dioceses rely on parishes for statistical data. Even a smaller
diocese like Rupert's Land, in southern Manitoba, has to wait for some 82
parishes to forward data before compiling a report for the national church;

* Time constraints in mostly shrinking parishes and dioceses and fewer
volunteer or paid staff at both levels mean more work for fewer people;

* The finance department used to send dioceses one form with two sections,
one for financial data and the other for membership statistics. After years
of trying to cope with late forms, it decided it couldn't wait for the
financial information. In 1997, it separated the sections into two forms
and the form for membership statistics seems to have since been forgotten
by many dioceses -- 11 out of 30 dioceses have still not returned their
data for 1998. And, since the finance department receives few queries about
church membership, the treasurer does not see a pressing need to gather the

"I don't know if anyone uses it anymore," says General Synod treasurer Jim
Cullen. "Nobody's been bugging us for it -- no one's ever asked for it."
But it is not the finance department which gets the queries. Church
librarian Karen Evans, who is disappointed with the state of statistics,
says her office receives the most calls about church membership -- at least
a couple a month -- mainly from journalists, clergy, sociologists and other

"People get annoyed," says Ms. Evans. "They say 'the United Church has much
better statistics.'"

What does the United Church of Canada do differently?

Tom Broadhurst says the UCC sends its forms directly to parishes, or
pastoral charges as they are called. That annual mailing, asking for
financial and membership data, goes out to churches in December, to be
returned by the end of February. The UCC publishes the data in its annual
directories in June.

Its return rate is impressive. About 2,100 out of 2,400 pastoral send them
in on time and another 80 or 90 reports trickle in the month after
deadline, allowing their data to be included in the directories. That
translates to about a 90 per cent return rate, with no penalties for
reports which come in late or are not returned.

"I'm quite impressed," says Mr. Broadhurst. "The statistical forms aren't
enjoyed, but they are recognized as important."

There is an ingrained practice of collecting statistics in the UCC, he
adds, since they are the basis of financial assessments. Statistics can
also be indicative of trends in the church and society, for example, when
the number of outreach ministries like soup kitchens goes up.

The Anglican Church forms sent to the dioceses ask for numbers of bishops,
clergy and lay ministers, diocesan staff, parishes, plus specific
information about the makeup of those parishes, including members,
organizations (like Anglican Church Women and scouting groups) and Sunday
schools, plus numbers of baptisms, confirmations and funerals. There is
also a section for parish income and expenditure and parish-owned buildings.
The information gathering can be time-consuming, particularly for parishes
where volunteers are responsible for most administration.

"It's one of those things that slips through the cracks," Mr. Cullen
guesses, adding that he does not think parishes are reluctant to share
information. "It's just time, or lack of it."

The treasurer is quick to add that financial statistics from dioceses are
current and "spot on", since the finance department relies on that data to
determine the proportional giving for which each diocese is responsible.
But it is the membership statistics which journalists, sociologists and
other church watchers need most often, says librarian Karen Evans. When
sociologists write about the decline or growth of churches, it is the
statistical data which is the backbone of their research.

Since denominations are so dissimilar and collect data differently, it is
important to keep information current when comparing them, notes Derek
Lander, assistant editor of the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches.

"If you're making comparisons across denominational lines, you want to keep
all variables parallel because you're already comparing apples and oranges
to start with," he says. "So, you want to at least compare them from the
same harvest year."

Clergy also inquire about statistics, says Ms. Evans, often after some
urging from their parishes. They want to know if membership and donations
to the church are up or down. "They're looking for good news" to help
determine their future, she says.

Traditional Statistics Canada information is also available from the church
library, but the numbers differ wildly from church stats. While the census
simply asks for "religious affiliation", the national church slots members
in three categories: total membership on parish rolls, confirmed members on
parish rolls and identifiable givers. According to the 1996 numbers, there
were 237,016 identifiable givers (those who donated to the church) and
739,699 total membership on parish rolls. In 1991, however, StatsCan
recorded 2,188,115 Anglicans in the country: almost three times as many as
the national church officially knows about.

"Those who self-identify as Anglican are interesting," says Ms. Evans,
explaining that there may be more than a million in addition to those
identified as Anglican, who the church could be targetting in its ministries.
While the 1991 census only asked 20 per cent of those polled about
religious affiliation (one in five people polled is asked the long form of
questions while the balance answer the short form), in previous years, the
question was included on the long form. In the past, General Synod has
passed resolutions asking the federal government to retain the question on
religious affiliation in the census.

The church has more than a vested interest in census data, since it is
those numbers it uses to help determine the number of delegates that a
diocese is entitled to have at General Synod.
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For more information, contact
Leanne Larmondin, Website Manager, Anglican Church of Canada, (416) 924 
9199 ext. 307.

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