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Mainline Protestantism has not lost its public voice

Date 05 Jun 2000 07:57:43

Note #5930 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:


	Mainline Protestantism has not lost its public voice, Princeton survey

	by James Solheim
	Episcopal News Service

NEW YORK - American mainline Protestantism has not lost its political voice
- nor has it surrendered the field to conservatives, according to a new
study by Princeton University.

	At the center of the struggle for political reform over the years,
especially for civil rights and against the Vietnam War, mainline
involvement has been overshadowed by more conservative religious groups,
leading some observers to conclude that the churches have lost their voice.

	"The perception that religious groups are really only interested in
conservative issues is not true," said Princeton sociologist Robert Wuthnow,
an Episcopal layman who directed the study.  "They are not only focused on
issues such as abortion or prayer in the schools. Progressive issues do seem
to be of enormous importance to people," he said.

	The study by the Survey Research Center found that more than three-quarters
of the public believe that religious groups should take a more active role
in raising awareness of racial discrimination, giving the poor a voice in
public affairs, protecting the environment and promoting a greater sense of
community responsibility.

	For example, six in 10 people surveyed said that they were "quite
interested" in legislation to protect the environment and in "social
policies that would help the poor."

	The survey showed nearly as much interest in the issues of "overcoming
discrimination against women in our society," and for "achieving greater
equality for racial and ethnic minorities in our society," as well as
"government policies to promote international peace."

      	                       Political alliances

	Yet there was great concern over the strategies used by religious
organizations in the public arena.  While three in four who responded think
it is appropriate for political candidates to speak publicly about their
religious views, only four in 10 believe the clergy should discuss political
issues from the pulpit.

	"We have too often assumed that mainline Protestants are politically
dormant," Wuthnow said.  "These results show they are politically interested
and active."

	He noted that the public "wants churches to be taking a more active role at
the local level but is less keen on religious groups exercising influence at
the national level."  Yet he underscored the potential for alliances on the
local level among liberal Protestants, African American churches, Roman
Catholics and Jews on such issues as protecting the environment and
overcoming social injustices.

	There was little support, however, for religious leaders forming political
movements, criticizing elected leaders, running for public office and
appearing on television talk shows.

	Among the other highlights of the survey:

	* 77 percent of mainline Protestants described themselves as moderate or
liberal and 49 percent have engaged in political activities in the last year

	* 56 percent of mainline Protestants said that their congregation has
helped sponsor a shelter for the homeless in the past year and 49 percent
have "done volunteer work for an organization other than a church or place
of worship"

	* When asked whether what religious groups do and say affect life in this
country, 28 percent said a lot, 49 percent said some, 17 percent only a
little and 4 percent not at all

	* When asked what kind of overall effect religious groups have on the
country, 16 percent said very positive, 66 percent said somewhat positive,
12 percent said somewhat negative and 3 percent said very negative.

	The study was one of seven on "Religious Communities and the Public Square"
funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts of Philadelphia.

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