From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Week of Compassion Committee goes into the field

From "Office of Communications"<>
Date 23 Jun 2000 13:52:54

Date: June 23, 2000
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Clifford L. Willis
on the Web:

	INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) -- In its first meeting outside the United States, the 
Week of Compassion Committee approved grants of more than $85,000 and saw 
firsthand the work of partner agency, the Christian Commission for 
Development in Honduras.

	The committee met June 1-7 in Tegucigalpa at the invitation of CCD, a 
longtime partner of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). 

	The grants included $15,000 in emergency funds toward a Church World 
Service appeal for the drought in Afghanistan and Pakistan and 13 priority 
grants of $70,350. The committee also affirmed an earlier grant of $60,000 
for various Action by Churches Together (ACT) appeals for the drought and 
famine in the Horn of Africa. 

	The meeting also gave committee members an opportunity to see the impact 
of Hurricane Mitch on the people and environment of Honduras, according to 
the Rev. Johnny Wray. Committee members also helped rebuild a home 
destroyed by Hurricane Mitch.

	Since the fall 1998 disaster in Central America, Week of Compassion has 
provided more than a half-million dollars in relief and rehabilitation 
assistance in the region. WOC also continues to provide partner grants to 
Disciples work groups involved in reconstruction projects. These include 
projects coordinated through the CCD/CWS program led Don Tatlock, a Texas 
Disciple and student at Brite Divinity School (Fort Worth). Tatlock and 
his wife, Denise, who also works for CCD, have been recognized for their 
work in Honduras with CCD and Church World Service by being named Global 
Mission Associates through the Latin America and Caribbean office of the 
Disciples Division of Overseas Ministries. 

	The committee heard an update on its special initiative for "hidden and 
forgotten" emergencies in Africa. In November 1999, the committee 
authorized an additional $100,000 from the Compassion Response Fund to 
support numerous appeals for humanitarian needs on the continent. 

	Since November 1999 WOC provided $198,000 in emergency aid to 17 African 
countries in response to floods, drought, famine, and civil strife. The 
funds also assisted with refugee populations and the growing number of 
children orphaned by the AIDS crisis.

	Committee members also heard that the WOC Endowment Program, established 
in 1997 has grown to more than $700,000. In addition, a family of 
anonymous donors has agreed to match all gifts to the endowment up to 
$100,000 as the WOC Committee strives to reach an initial goal of $1 
million for the Endowment Program by December 31, 2000.

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