From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Re: [Ga212reports] Commentary

Date 30 Jun 2000 13:04:26

Note #18 from PCUSA NEWS to GA 212 REPORTS:

This is David Steele commenting from the 212th General Assembly on Friday

Sirens shrieked and horns blew in the Assembly meeting room yesterday
morning just as they had the afternoon before.  Once again the voice over
the P.A. system apologized; "False Alarm!"
The moderator reminded commissioners they  must stay alert, cause it could
be a real emergency.  Is there a message here?  Both false alarms have
happened while the assembly was dealing with a hot topic. Do the auditorium
sensors react to heated debate?  Today we'll see if the sirens remain

A tale from the moderator's past has surfaced; it may be apocryphal.  It
speaks of his employment on the staff of the former church magazine
PRESBYTERIAN LIFE.  An important decision had to be made and he was not
available.  His secretary was ordered to "find your boss..or else."  She
searched high and low and finally an idea hit her.  She sought out a small
Korean tea room and sure enough there was her boss.  On seeing him she is
reported to have sung out: "Ah, Sweet Mister Rhee of Life, at Last I've
Found you!"

The assembly decided by an overwhelming majority that contrary to the
conclusion of Beaver-Butler Presbytery there is no irreconcilable impasse
among us.  They expressed conviction that The Holy Spirit is alive and well
and tends to ignore "impasses".

Worship continues to be wonderful.  The preacher yesterday was Michael
Lindvall pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan.  He sits
on a stool and tells stories...stories of the  pastor of a small
Presbyterian church in a Lake Woebegonlike mythical country community.  This
story "Our Organist" had to do with his preaching in a tiny church with only
11 members and an organist who knew but three hymns.  They had been singing
those hymns since 1937..over 60 years. The story was about hospitality.  And
when it had ended there was a hush.  I looked around and could see others
were as overwhelmed with emotion as was I.  We all knew in a unique way just
what the apostle Paul meant when he said: "Practice Hospitality".  I bet a
dozen people talked to me today about how moved they were by Michael's
message.  There's an arch-angel named Michael, isn't there.  His last name
must be Lindvall.

A well researched report on Native American Churches was presented today and
is well worth study.  This task force has insights long needed by the
church.  This subject has great relevance to us Arizonans.  I hope the whole
church gives it a good read.

I'm getting feedback from Shelly Moe's image of the Presbyterian gaze.  I
think it may be a pastoral trait.  We get into the habit of trying to keep
in touch with everyone at the same time–giving token attention to the person
with whom we are speaking while waving at another.  Something about the role
encourage us to be inattentive in public conversation.  Too bad, cause we 
simply can't be in touch with all people at the same time.

At Punahou School in Honolulu where I was chaplain for 13 years, the high
school seniors annually ranked history teacher Peter Powlison high on their
list of excellent teachers.  Peter knew how to listen.  The first time or
two I talked one on one with him I was embarrassed..because I could sense he
was giving me his complete attention.  I was not used to that.  He didn't
glance away or look at the ceiling..He held me in his gaze full time. 
Seldom have I been so honored.

The students sensed that in Peter.  His teaching methods were not unique or
brilliant.  It was his listening that touched them deeply.  I'd like us
preachers to be like Peter..but I'm afraid we have a long way to go. 
Shelly's Exhibition Hall gaze is us.

Today we begin a long day.  All the controversial issues are packed into the
next 12 hours.  On your mark..get set..and here we go!

This is David Steele,...thanks for listening...Shalom Friends.

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