From the Worldwide Faith News archives

“Fair Play” amendment disapproved in committee

Date 27 Jun 2000 20:13:07

Note #6027 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:

June 27, 2000

“Fair Play” amendment disapproved in committee

Polity Committee to recommend response to Overture 00-43

	by Nancy Rodman

LONG BEACH, June 27 - After a wild ride on a parliamentary tilt-a-whirl
through a parliamentary bog, the Assembly Committee on Polity disapproved
Overture 00-43, the “fair play” overture, and approved instead a response to
the defeated overture for the General Assembly’s consideration.

	Overture 00-43 called for a delay in judicial actions related to the
section in the Form of Government known as G-6.0106b concomitant with the
Assembly’s legislative delay.  The response, if approved by the Assembly,
would express the Assembly’s “deep hope that all Presbyterians and their
respective governing bodies will refrain from initiating any judicial
actions with respect to the issue of sexual orientation until the response
of the 213th General Assembly ...”  The response would “further express our
deep hope that all Presbyterians and organizations advocating positions with
respect to these issues will exercise similar restraint in their public
statements and actions.”

	If approved, the response would be communicated to the church by the Office
of the General Assembly.

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