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[PCUSAnews] Plan to revitalize campus ministries unveiled

Date 26 Feb 2001 13:02:38

Note #6405 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:

Plan to revitalize campus ministries unveiled

Plan to revitalize campus ministries unveiled

Comprehensive report going to 213th General Assembly in June

by John Sniffen
The Presbyterian Outlook
reprinted with permission

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A strategy for improving the PC(USA)'s campus ministry
program was unveiled before the National Ministries Division Committee of
the General Assembly Council Feb. 21.
	The plan - a response to a 1998 General Assembly overture from National
Capital Presbytery - calls for affirming "the restoration and renewal of our
denomination's commitment to the oldest continuing mission … beyond the
congregation, the mission to higher education."
	The plan calls for the GAC to provide "adequate funding" to attain five

·	To establish, by 2003-2004, a campus ministry internship program to deploy
five to 10 young adults with bachelor's degrees in service with campus
ministry congregations, college chaplaincies and other Presbyterian-related
campus ministries.

·	To establish by 2003 a focused and systematic process of funds development
for the continuing support of the church's ministry with college and
university students.

·	To coordinate with ecumenical partners the present development of an
electronic means for congregations, parents and students themselves to
directly inform the church's higher education ministries regarding students
enrolled in schools served by Presbyterian-related collegiate ministry

·	To conduct during 2002 a national conference involving student and staff
leaders representing the several models and theological traditions existing
in the church's higher education ministries.

·	To continue and expand the efforts and representation of the Presbyterian
Student Strategy Team to assure a student voice in the church's ministry in
higher education.

Associate for student ministries the Rev. Bob Turner told the committee that
even with highly successful campus ministries like Campus Crusade for Christ
entered into the total, less than one percent of the United States' campus
population is active in campus religious groups. "The field is ripe for the
harvest," he said.
	The Rev. Lucy Forster-Smith, campus chaplain at Macalester College(Minn.)
and a member of the task force which developed the plan, said improving
campus ministry will play an important role as the church cultivates its
future leadership.
	Another task force member, the Rev. Roger Dermody of Los Angeles, noted
that the GAC recently gave youth ministry a higher priority ranking than
higher education. "We should do more than just nurture our children's
baptism vows for 18 years, then say 'Good luck.'"
	A cover story on Presbyterian campus ministry will appear in the May issue
of Presbyterians Today magazine.

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