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[PCUSAnews] Assembly speaks on theological issues

Date 14 Jun 2001 22:17:54 GMT

Note #6688 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:

Assembly speaks on theological issues

Assembly speaks on theological issues

by Jane Hines

LOUISVILLE, June 14 &#8212; Finding a way to speak to the church through a
variety of substitute motions, amendments and a minority report took some
time, but the Assembly finally adopted the majority report of the
Assembly&#8217;s Committee on Theological Issues on the matter of Overtures
43, 51 and 52, with an addition proposed by Commissioner Malcolm Brownlee of
Charlotte Presbytery.  The resolution which the Assembly approved with 69
percent of commissioners voting for it reads:

 	&#8220;The General Assembly offers its thanksgiving for the concerns
raised by the Presbyteries of Beaver Butler, San Diego, and San Joaquin
regarding faith in Jesus Christ, to whom all power in heaven and earth has
been given.  We recognize a widespread concern for recovering the place of
our confessions in all aspects of church life.  The General Assembly answers
Overtures 01-43, 01-51, and 01-52 by requesting the Office of Theology and
Worship to prepare and widely publicize a list of available materials for
study and worship that will help our congregations better understand the
theological richness of the Lordship of Jesus Christ in The Book of
Confessions, Book of Order, and the scriptures; the imperfections in our
daily responses to God&#8217;s calling; and ways in which congregational and
individual witness can be strengthened.

&#8220;As a witness to what we believe, we affirm the following statement:  

 	&#8220; We confess the unique authority of Jesus Christ as Lord.  Every
other authority is finally subject to Christ.

 	&#8220;Jesus is also uniquely Savior.  It is &#8216;his life, death,
resurrection, ascension and final return that restores creation, providing
salvation for all those whom God has chosen to redeem.&#8217;*  Although we
do not know the limits of God&#8217;s grace and pray for the salvation of
those who may come to know Christ, for us the assurance of salvation is
found only in confessing Christ and trusting Him alone.  We are humbled in
our witness to Christ by our realization that our understanding of him and
his way is limited and distorted by our sin.  Still the transforming power
of Christ in our lives compels us to make Christ known to others.&#8221;

Less troublesome to the Assembly was an overture from the Presbytery of
Sierra Blanca on communicating to pastors that the &#8220;Left Behind&#8221;
series is based on an interpretation of the Bible that is not in accord with
our Reformed Theology.&#8221;  The overture was approved with this comment:
&#8220;The General Assembly asks that the Office of Theology and Worship
make &#8220;Between Millennia&#8221; available to all congregations to aid
in the study of revelation.&#8221;

Another overture that was approved quickly by the Assembly came from
National Capital Presbytery.  As amended by the committee, the overture
reads: ...&#8221;to direct the General Assembly Council, Congregational
Ministries Division, to provide study materials to help guide congregations,
presbyteries, and synods concerning the relationship of the findings of the
sciences to the affirmation of God as creator of the universe, earth, life,
and humankind; and the implications of this relationship for congregational
education and the witness of Presbyterians in relation to state and local
science education standards and teaching.&#8221;

In response to overtures from the Presbytery of Detroit and the Presbytery
of Alaska, the Assembly agreed with the committee on the following
resolution: &#8220;The General Assembly requests the Office of Theology and
Worship to prepare worship resources based on The Book of Confessions, which
are sensitive to inclusive language with regard to men and women.  Further,
the General Assembly requests the Office of Theology and Worship and the
Office of the General Assembly to prepare a preface to The Book of
Confessions that presents the confessions as historical statements which we
affirm and also highlights our denominational commitment to be gender
inclusive in our life and worship.&#8221;

The Assembly also approved new trustees for theological institutions and the
Mountain Retreat Association.  A covenant between The General Assembly and
Auburn Theological Seminary was approved.  A list of schools and colleges
related to the Presbyterian Church (USA) was approved.

 	An overture from East Iowa Presbytery on support of theological seminaries
was answered by the Assembly in this way:&#8221; The General Assembly thanks
the Presbytery of East Iowa for bringing this matter to the attention of the
213th General Assembly (2001).  The Assembly strongly encourages the
churches to support theological education in every way.  Staff of the Office
of Theological Education and the Committee on Theological Education (COTE)
have worked hard to increase support through creative measures and should be

&#8220;The General Assembly also recognizes that there will be another
five-year review of the Theological Education Fund in three years (2004) and
encourages the staff and COTE to invest their time and energy during that
review to investigate other methods to increase participation.&#8221;

         The Assembly approved dates and recommended programmatic emphases
for the year 2003, and that they be included in the list of Special Days and
Seasons.  Jerry Andrews, moderator of the Theological Issues and Educational
Institutions Committee, lightened the mood of the Assembly when he
commented: &#8220;You&#8217;ll be happy to know that we plan to have
Christmas this year...but there are only so many shopping days left.&#8221;
* The Crucified One is Lord, page 4

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