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Congo mission worker reminds commissioners that faithfulness

Date 15 Jun 2001 15:24:39 GMT

Note #6701 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:

requires humility

Congo mission worker reminds commissioners that faithfulness requires

by Alexa Smith

LOUISVILLE, June 15 - A Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission worker to the
Democratic Republic of Congo told worshippers Friday morning, that, just as
Paul wrote so long ago, Christians are called to live a life worthy of their

	And that takes humility, whether in a sticky debate on the floor of the
213th General Assembly or as a mission worker struggling to bring mercy to a
suffering part of the world.

	In a humorous, storytelling way, Simon Park said, "We can have unity within
our diversity.  That is not a product of overtures or the Book of Order ….
but a (resource) of the Spirit within."

	He warned that it is difficult to be humble at heart, because once someone
acknowledges his or her humility, then it is lost.

	"Our sense of common mission and discipleship is more alive and real when
we struggle to find a solution together … and resist the temptation for
fast-food (mission)," he said, noting that a healthy diet and exercise are
what are necessary, and such transformation is often a slow process.

	God, instead, is asking Christians to reproduce God's gracious relationship
with us among each other, asking us to be less problem-solvers and fixers
than to be listeners for God's voice, Park said.

	Park's texts were Ephesians 4: 1-6 and Isaiah 60: 17b-19.  Liturgists were
Mid-Kentucky Presbytery moderator Jessie H. Tucker and youth advisory
delegate Rick Upchurch.  Jenni Noyes, a theological student advisory
delegate from Louisville Seminary, spoke as well.

	"touch of Jesus" Teen Handbell Choir of Massanuteen Presbyterian Church in
Penn Laird, Va., provided music; while Jeff Moles of Central Presbyterian
Church in Terre Haute, Ind., played the organ.

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