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Lutherans Continue to Support Relief Efforts in Cameroon

From News News <NEWS@ELCA.ORG>
Date Wed, 18 Jul 2001 10:02:06 -0500


July 18, 2001


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) contributed $20,000 to the church's International
Disaster Response fund to support relief efforts from drought conditions
in northern Cameroon, a country in west-central Africa.
     "Drought conditions began last year, when the seasonal rains ended
abruptly in July, before the cereal crops could reach maturity," said
the Rev. Y. Franklin Ishida, director for international communication,
ELCA Division for Global Mission.
     "This year, erratic rainfalls have drastically affected
agricultural production.  Prices have increased and [the cost] of basic
food items is well beyond the means for an average person," Ishida said.
     "People are selling what little possessions they have in order to
feed their families or obtain necessary medicines.  If no assistance is
forthcoming, famine will soon take its tolls and the most vulnerable,
especially children and elderly, may die," he said.
     Three million people live in northern Cameroon.  It is estimated
that 75 percent of residents in the area can be classified as
"vulnerable," according to Ishida.  "There are few industries in this
area; most are agricultural.  Inclement weather, in the form of intense
heat and drought, affects this area. [The weather] disrupts agricultural
activities with loss of crops, livestock and hence, a family's
livelihood," he said.
     The funds sent by the ELCA will help support relief efforts
coordinated through Action by Churches Together (ACT), a worldwide
network of churches and related agencies meeting human need through
coordinated emergency response.  ACT is based with the World Council of
Churches (WCC) and Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Geneva,
Switzerland.  The ELCA is a member of both the WCC and LWF.
   Distribution of the funds will be implemented by the Lutheran
Church of the Brethren of Cameroon, Ishida said.
  "While the government of Cameroon has solved part of the food
needs for the far north province, the Lutheran Church of the Brethren is
concentrating on the areas where the population relies on income
[generated] through agriculture.  About 24,400 of the most vulnerable
families will receive food and seed (short-cycle maize and sorghum),
along with the [assistance] to help manage livestock and disaster
situations in the future," he said.
  Coordinated through the ELCA Division for Global Mission,
International Disaster Response helps relief agencies provide funds for
food, medicine, drinking water, emergency shelter and other materials
and supplies.  Funds are also used to rebuild communities and to repair
structures destroyed by major disasters.


Editors:  When listing organizations receiving funds for aid to
survivors of major disasters outside the United States, Puerto Rico or
the U.S. Virgin Islands, please include:

ELCA International Disaster Response
PO Box 71764
Chicago, IL 60694-1764

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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