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ELCA Assembly Adopts Asian and Pacific Islander Ministry Strategy

From News News <NEWS@ELCA.ORG>
Date Sun, 12 Aug 2001 12:01:59 -0500


August 12, 2001


     INDIANAPOLIS (ELCA) -- Members of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA) 2001 Churchwide Assembly voted 948 to 6 to
adopt the Asian and Pacific Islander Ministry Strategy presented to
the assembly by the Rev. Frederick E. N. Rajan, executive director of
the ELCA Commission for Multicultural Ministries, and the Rev.
Pongsak Limthongviratn, director for Asian and Pacific Islander
Ministries, on Aug.11.
     The churchwide assembly, the chief legislative authority of the
ELCA, is meeting here Aug. 8-14 at the Indiana Convention Center.
There are more than 2,000 people participating, including 1,040 ELCA
voting members.  The theme for the biennial assembly is "Making
Christ Known: Sharing Faith in a New Century.@
     The strategy developed by the Asian and Pacific Islander
community included: expressing support and appreciation for existing
ministries of the ELCA with Asian and Pacific Islanders; recommitting
the ELCA to partnership with these existing Asian and Pacific
Islander congregations; and intensifying outreach with the Gospel
among the wider Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
     There were concerns expressed in the strategy document about
the diversity in populations of Asian and Pacific Islanders and
problems of sensitivity among and between them including issues such
as different cultures and languages, and dealing with first-, second-
and third-generation Asian and Pacific Islanders, nonChristians, and
     Limthongviratn said specific goals are to:
     * Increase the number of Asian congregations from 75 to 115 --
an increase of 40 congregations in eight years, or four to seven new
ministry starts every year.
     * Increase the number of Asian and Pacific Islander ELCA
members from 23,000 to 32,000 in eight years.
     * Provide a network for Asians in 'Anglo' congregations to have
 cultural support.
     * Encourage candidates for seminary and additional leadership
     * Realize publication of one worship resource in 10 major Asian
 languages each year.
     * Assist Asian and Pacific Islander congregations in
 stewardship and in outreach in former homelands.
     Mr. Y. T. Chiu Jr. spoke to the assembly in Chinese and in
 English, supporting  the action: "It is nice to be different and also
 the same.  A garden with only grass is boring, a garden should have
 varied grasses, flowers and trees.  We bring that gift of difference
 to you, and I am glad to be among you."
     "Will the ELCA fulfill the strategy?  My synod has a large
 population of Asian and Pacific Islanders, offering a great mission
 opportunity.  It will take the whole church to support this
 strategy," said the Rev. Dean W. Nelson, bishop of the Southern
 California (West) synod.  Rajan assured the assembly, "Working
 together, we can do this."
 -- -- --
     Information about assembly actions is at on the ELCA's Web site.  Recorded
updates during the assembly are available by calling 773/380-2477.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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