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ELCA Assembly Affirms CUIC Relationship

From News News <NEWS@ELCA.ORG>
Date Sun, 12 Aug 2001 17:03:54 -0500


August 12, 2001


     INDIANAPOLIS (ELCA) -- The Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) affirmed by a vote of 892-25 that the
ELCA accept an invitation to become a "partner in mission and dialogue"
with Churches Uniting in Christ (CUIC).
     The churchwide assembly, the chief legislative authority of the
ELCA, is meeting here Aug. 8-14 at the Indiana Convention center.  There
are more than 2,000 people participating, including 1,040 ELCA voting
members.  The theme for the biennial assembly is "Making Christ Known:
Sharing Faith in a New Century."
     CUIC evolved from the former Consultation on Church Union (COCU),
a project for greater unity among nine Protestant bodies. CUIC churches
include the African Methodist Episcopal Church, African Methodist
Episcopal Zion Church, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Episcopal
Church, International Council of Community Churches, Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.), United Church of Christ and United Methodist Church. The
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) also joined this year.
     The ELCA's role as a partner in mission and dialogue is not an
agreement for full communion.  In its role, the ELCA would send a
delegation to the CUIC inaugural event in January 2002, commit to
combating racism with CUIC churches and become a full participant in
dialogue on ministry.
     "You (the ELCA) have taken a lead (in ecumenism)," said the Rev.
Michael Kinnamon, St. Louis, CUIC general secretary, in a hearing before
the vote. "You have done amazing things to break down barriers.  All we
have to lose is our 'separateness,' not our identities."
     Speaking for the proposal, the Rev. James M. Brandt, voting
member, ELCA Central States Synod, said he favors CUIC to "deepen our
level of cooperation," with other churches, especially African Methodist
Episcopal and African Methodist Episcopal Zion churches.
     "Sunday morning still remains one of the most racially divided
times of the week," he said. "CUIC responds to that."
     CUIC maintains a site at on the Web.
-- -- --
     Information about assembly actions is at on the ELCA's Web site.  Recorded
updates during the assembly are available by calling 773/380-2477.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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