From the Worldwide Faith News archives

ELCA Assembly Passes Budgets for 2002-2003

From News News <NEWS@ELCA.ORG>
Date Mon, 13 Aug 2001 21:29:30 -0500


August 13, 2001


     INDIANAPOLIS (ELCA) -- Voting members at the ELCA Churchwide
Assembly approved, by a vote of 889 to 30, the proposed operating
budget of $103,144,700 for 2002 and proposed operating budget of
$105,309,700 for 2003 for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
These budgets include ELCA World Hunger Appeal income proposals of
$16.5 million in 2002 and $17 million in 2003.
     The Churchwide Assembly, the chief legislative authority of the
ELCA, is meeting here Aug. 8-14 at the Indiana Convention Center.
There are about 2,500 people participating, including 1,039 ELCA
voting members.  The theme for the biennial assembly is "Making
Christ Known: Sharing Faith in a New Century."
     A budget amendment regarding a movement of funds from one
division to another was referred by a vote of 784 to 92 to the Office
of Treasurer, so it may be considered in context of the whole church.
     Preparation of these budgets include input from the Office of
the Presiding Bishop, the Church Council, the churchwide assembly,
unit boards, the cabinet of executives and planning team, and the
Office of the Treasurer, which estimates income and provides advice.
     The Office of the Treasurer provides estimates of income for
each fiscal year based on consultations with synods and churchwide units.  
Revised income estimates during the year influence the spending authorization
approved and reviewed by the Church Council to match income with expenses.
     Temporarily Restricted Income sources are applied to planned
expenditures in unit budgets that qualify for funding from these
sources.  ELCA World Hunger receipts are matched with the restricted
expenditures approved and allocated to the units participating in the
ELCA World Hunger program.  All restricted income exceeding approved
expenditures is applied to expenditures in subsequent years.
     The expense proposal does not include either Women of the ELCA
or Lutheran Laity Movement for Stewardship.  These are totally self-
supporting organizations.
     Areas which are supported by this budget are witness, nurture,
service and justice, unity, leadership and mutual support in the
-- -- --
Information about assembly actions is at on the ELCA=s Web site.  Recorded
updates during the assembly are available by calling 773/380-2477.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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