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Stephen McCutchan wins first book award from Presbyterian Writers

Date 20 Aug 2001 13:19:34 -0400

Note #6802 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:


Stephen McCutchan wins first book award from Presbyterian Writers Guild

by Jerry L. Van Marter

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - The Presbyterian Writers Guild has awarded its annual Jim
Angell Award for the best first book by a Presbyterian writer to the Rev.
Stephen P. McCutchan, pastor of Highland Presbyterian Church in
Winston-Salem, N.C.

	McCutchan won the award, which includes a $500 cash prize, for his book
Experiencing the Psalms: Weaving the Psalms into Your Ministry and Faith.
McCutchan received the award at the writers guild's General Assembly
luncheon here in June.

	The Angell award is made annually to a Presbyterian writer who has
published a first book in the previous year. The award honors the life and
work of the Rev. James W. Angell, author of 19 books including the
best-selling How to Spell Presbyterian.

	McCutchan has been a Presbyterian pastor for the past thirty-three years.
The Union Theological Seminary in New York graduate, who has been at
Highland church for 18 years,is currently working on a theological
commentary on Matthew and two works to support clergy in their ministry.

	In Experiencing the Psalms, according to Presbyterian Writers Guild
president Kathleen Bostrom, "McCutchan provides a fresh approach to
integrating the psalms into the life of the church. He includes practical
ways of incorporating psalms in the liturgy and preaching as well as the use
of psalms in pastoral care. The work on the Psalms emerged from McCutchan's
efforts to demonstrate to this congregation how they can bring their
complete self, joys, sadness, anger, and hope, to the worship of God."

	Copies of the book can be ordered from Smyth & Helwys Publishing, Inc.,
6316 Peake Road, Macon, GA 31210?3960. ISBN # 1-57312-283-1.

	There were 23 submissions for this year's Angell Award contest. For a
listing of all books submitted and for more information about the award and
the Presbyterian Writers Guild, check out the web site at
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