From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Presbyterian Church in Cameroon requires HIV/AIDS Test for all Employees

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Fri, 24 Aug 2001 11:21:43 -0700

Presbyterian Church in Cameroon
Presbyterian Communication Department

Eighteen applicants shortlisted for employment as teachers with the 
Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) have been requested to provide 
medical certificates as evidence that they are not infected by the HIV/AIDS 
virus before their employment will be confirmed.

This week the PCC Education Secretary, Mr. Baboni Joseph Che requested the 
applicants to do the tests in accordance with the decision taken by the 
Synod of ''New Beginnings, Old Paths'' that met at the Church Centre Kumba 
from April 22 - 25, 2001.

Following the Synod decision, newly recruited staff into all the services 
of the church will undergo HIV/AIDS test in any of the three Presbyterian 
Hospitals, namely, Manyemen, Acha-Tugi and Nyasoso.  It is only when the 
candidate produces a certificate, duly signed by a doctor from one of the 
above hospitals, showing that he or she is HIV/AIDS negative that the 
applicant will be issued a letter of employment.

By the same decision, students admitted into the Presbyterian Theological 
Seminary (PTS) Kumba will have to provide evidence that they are HIV/AIDS 
free before and after graduation.  And as part of their ordination 
interview, Assistant Pastors will show the same proof of no infection 
before they are ordained into the Ministry of Word and Sacrament of the PCC.

That's not all.  Synod also ruled that employees proceeding for further 
studies on Church scholarship must take the HIV/AIDS test to prove their 
freedom from the virus.  Meanwhile, the PCC is expected to draw a 
comprehensive policy concerning HIV/AIDS patients, who are staff of the 
Church.  Among other things, the policy will define the care and services 
of such patients.

It is worth knowing that of the over 15.000.000 people who live in 
Cameroon, about 11.0% are HIV/AIDS positive.

According to the PCC Health Services Secretary, Mr. Nubed Godlove Tanyi, 
the province with the highest rate of infection is Adamawa with 17.0%. It 
is followed by the Far North province with 13.1%, South West 12.3%, North 
West 11.5%, then Centre and South Provinces 11.2% each and East Province 10.0%.

The other three provinces fall below the 10% level.  They include North 
Province with 9.6%, the Littoral with 6.7% and the least infected is the 
West Province with 6.0%.

The Health Services Secretary said the World Bank has given 37.5 billion 
francs CFA for the AIDS Programme in Cameroon.  And he added that although 
education and condoms have curbed AIDS in Uganda and Thailand, the PCC 
recommends abstinence and fidelity as the best options to prevent the 
abrasive pandemic.

Meanwhile, of the 18 candidates who went for the HIV/AIDS tests in order to 
be employed as teachers with the Presbyterian Education Authority (PEA), 15 
have already submitted their medical certificates showing negative results. 
The other three candidates are still expected to bring their results in 
sealed envelopes from the hospitals.

By Achowah Umenei


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