From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Message from Presiding Bishop Griswold of Episcopal Church in USA

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:52:48 -0700

ACNS 2630 - ENS - 11 September 2001

'We are called to another way':
Presiding Bishop Griswold on the September 11 attacks

[ENS 2001-239] The events of this morning in New York City and Washington,
D.C. make me keenly aware that violence knows no boundaries and that
security is an illusion. To witness the collapse of the World Trade Center
was to confront not only our vulnerability as a nation in spite of our
power, but also the personal vulnerability of each of us to events and
circumstances that overtake us. My heart goes out to those who have been
killed or injured, and to their stunned and grieving families and friends.

Our President has vowed to hunt down and punish those who are responsible
for these depraved and wicked acts. Many are speaking of revenge. Never has
it been clearer to me than in this moment that people of faith, in virtue of
the Gospel and the mission of the Church, are called to be about peace and
the transformation of the human heart, beginning with our own. I am not
immune to emotions of rage and revenge, but I know that acting on them only
perpetuates the very violence I pray will be dissipated and overcome.

Last week I was in Dublin where I found myself convicted by the photograph
of a young girl in Northern Ireland being taken to school amid taunts and
expressions of hatred because she was Roman Catholic. I know the situation
in Northern Ireland is complex, and that religion is a convenient way of
ordering hatred and justifying violence, but the tears running down the
little girl's terrified face spoke to me of all the violence we commit in
word and deed against one another - sometimes in the name of our God whose
passionate desire is for the wellbeing and flourishing of all.

Expressions of concern and prayer have poured into my office from many parts
of the world, in some instances from people who themselves are deeply
wounded by continuing violence and bloodshed. I pray that the events of
today will invite us to see ourselves as a great nation not in terms of our
power and wealth but measured by our ability to be in solidarity with others
where violence has made its home and become a way of life.

Yes, those responsible must be found and punished for their evil and
disregard for human life, but through the heart of this violence we are
called to another way. May our response be to engage with all our hearts and
minds and strength in God's project of transforming the world into a garden,
a place of peace where swords can become plowshares and spears are changed
into pruning hooks.

The Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold
Presiding Bishop and Primate

The Episcopal Church

11 September 2001

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