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Spring 2002 MOSAIC on 'Lutheran Roots in America'

From News News <NEWS@ELCA.ORG>
Date Fri, 1 Feb 2002 11:31:51 -0600


February 1, 2002


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The spring 2002 edition of MOSAIC, the video
magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), focuses
on the story of how Lutherans came to colonial America from Europe and
where different groups of Lutherans settled.
     The 30-minute program, "Lutheran Roots in America" is hosted by
the Rev. Lowell G. Almen, ELCA secretary.
     Lutheran Roots in America will be available March 1, but can be
ordered in advance.  The program explores how Lutherans from Denmark,
Germany, Norway, Sweden and other countries came to North America.  It
explores the influence of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, the Saxons, Hans
Neilson Hauge, the Salzbergers and others on Lutheranism in America.
     The program is intended for groups such as new church members and
confirmation classes to understand Lutheran history, said Tim Frakes,
MOSAIC producer and associate director for internal church
communication, ELCA Department for Communication.
     The program is a follow-up to a MOSAIC program released in 2001,
"Opening the Door to Luther," which retold the story of Martin Luther, a
German monk whose writings led to the Protestant Reformation.  A
companion video, "Morning Star of Wittenberg," chronicled the life of
Luther's wife, Katherine.
     Video segments from MOSAIC issues can be viewed at
on the Web. The pilot project to enable video segments to be viewed on
the Web was made possible by grants from Aid Association for Lutherans
and Lutheran Brotherhood.  The fraternal benefit organizations recently
     MOSAIC is produced and distributed by the Department for
Communication. It is intended for educational use in a variety of
congregational settings including Sunday school classes, adult forums,
youth groups, women's and men's groups, new member classes, church
council meetings, committee meetings and other organizational meetings.
Each issue includes a user guide with a synopsis of each segment and
discussion questions. MOSAIC is issued quarterly. Annual subscriptions
are available through the Department for Communication.
     MOSAIC announced its first price increase since the formation of
the ELCA in 1988, Frakes said.  On Jan. 31, prices for individual copies
of MOSAIC  -- including Lutheran Roots in America -- increased to
$19.95.  A one-year subscription, which includes four issues of MOSAIC,
will be $50.
-- -- --
     Specific information about MOSAIC subscriptions and the contents
of each issue are available on the World Wide Web at or by contacting the ELCA Department for
Communication by phone at 800/638-3522 ext. 6009. Digital photographs
that accompany each story can be requested by e-mail to
or by phone.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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