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WCC - Ecumenical solidarity and action promised in

From "Sheila Mesa" <>
Date Mon, 11 Feb 2002 13:52:51 +0100

Palestinian-Israeli conflict

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World Council of Churches
Press Release, PR-02-06
For Immediate Use
11 February 2002

Ecumenical solidarity and action promised in Palestinian-Israeli

cf. WCC Press Release, PR-01-40, of 29 October 2001
cf. WCC Press Release, PR-01-34, of 14 September 2001

As the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Middle East continues
to deteriorate, representatives of over 40 church and
church-related organizations gathered in Geneva 1-2 February have
agreed on the scope and framework of an Ecumenical Accompaniment
Programme (EAPPI) in Palestine and Israel.   

The World Council of Churches (WCC) programme, initially called
the Ecumenical Monitoring Programme in Palestine and Israel
(EMPPI), was renamed to allow a broader role for the
international ecumenical movement, as requested by the churches
in Jerusalem. Salpy Eskidjian, programme executive in the WCC
International Relations team, explains that participants in the
programme may engage in a number of tasks, including human rights
monitoring, advocacy, and supporting non-violent resistance by
local Palestinian and Israeli peace groups.  

A framework for action

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme's mission is the
"accompaniment of Palestinians and Israelis in non-violent
actions and concerted advocacy efforts to end the occupation".
This includes:

- monitoring and reporting on violations of human rights and
international humanitarian law;
- offering protection through non-violent presence;
- supporting acts of non-violent resistance alongside local
Christian and Muslim Palestinians and Israeli peace activists;
- engaging in public policy advocacy.  

The programme objectives include:

-  exposing the violence of the occupation;
- ending the brutality, humiliation and violence against
- constructing a stronger global advocacy network;
- ensuring the respect of human rights and international
humanitarian law;
- influencing public opinion in home countries and affecting
foreign policy on the Middle East in order to end occupation and
create a viable Palestinian state;
- expressing solidarity with Palestinian and Israeli peace
activists and empowering local Palestinian communities/churches;
- being an active witness that an alternative, non-violent
struggle for justice and peace is possible to end the illegal
occupation of Palestine.  

Rev. Mark Brown of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
noted that each accompanier may take on different tasks according
to the needs and their own areas of expertise and interest. "Some
may be only monitors. Others may be much more active
peacemakers." The meeting looked at the accompaniers' tasks on
the ground as well as at coordination, training, recruitment
criteria, and communication.   

One critical aspect, however, was still unresolved at the end of
the meeting - whether sufficient funds will be available to fully
implement the programme. A "WCC fund for the ecumenical response
to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict" has been established, but so
far, says Eskidjian, few firm commitments have been made. "We
know that our churches, our partners, our governing bodies are
firmly behind this ecumenical response, and we all see that this
programme can have a positive, peace-building effect in a tragic
situation. In the end, however, if the money isn't there, the
programme cannot go forward with the ambitious plans laid here." 

The EAPPI is open to churches and ecumenical organizations in
the broad ecumenical movement. Roman Catholic priest, Peter
Ruggere of the US Maryknoll fathers, brothers, sisters and lay
missioners, said that "For Catholics, this is a golden
opportunity. It offers us a chance to participate in an
ecumenical programme in solidarity with Palestinians."   

In developing the programme framework, participants emphasized
that it will be important for observers to relate with both
Israelis and Palestinians. "We are called to accompany all those
groups, Palestinian and Israeli, who are striving against great
odds for justice and peace," Eskidjian said. "Nonetheless," Brown
acknowledged, "the church is partisan. We are on the side of the
poor and oppressed."  

Ms Abla Nasir, general secretary of the Palestine YWCA said that
"The fact that the WCC has adopted this project means a lot to us
as Christians and Palestinians as a whole."   

At the conclusion of the meeting, Archbishop Aristarchos of
Constantina, representative of H.B Irineos I, the Greek Orthodox
Patriarch of Jerusalem, thanked the WCC and everyone who had
come. Summing up the feelings of most around the table, he said,
"I feel strengthened, but this is just a starting point. The road
that lies before us is long."  

For further background on the meeting and the call behind the
Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel,
please see WCC Press Update, Up-02-02, also issued today.  

For further information, please contact Media Relations Office,
Tel.:  (+41.22) 791.61.53  

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is a fellowship of churches,
now 342, in more than 100 countries in all continents from
virtually all Christian traditions. The Roman Catholic Church is
not a member church but works cooperatively with the WCC. The
highest governing body is the assembly, which meets approximately
every seven years. The WCC was formally inaugurated in 1948 in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Its staff is headed by general
secretary Konrad Raiser from the Evangelical Church in Germany.

World Council of Churches
Media Relations Office
Tel: (41 22) 791 6153 / 791 6421
Fax: (41 22) 798 1346

PO Box 2100
1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland

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