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Agency head urges passage of campaign finance reform bill

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.ORG>
Date Thu, 14 Feb 2002 15:05:02 -0600

Feb. 14, 2002       News media contact: Joretta Purdue7(202)
546-87227Washington     10-21-71B{056}

WASHINGTON (UMNS) - As supporters of campaign finance reform prepared for
battle on the floor of the House of Representatives, staff from the United
Methodist public policy agency urged passage of a bipartisan bill.

"This is a historic day. This is a Kairos moment - a moment of truth," Jim
Winkler, staff head of the United Methodist Board of Church and Society,
declared in a Feb. 13 statement. "The Enron fiasco should answer any
lingering questions about the need to end the scandal of big money
subversion of democracy."

Winkler cited the "strong stand" taken by the denomination's General
Conference, its highest legislative body, in favor of campaign finance
reform. His statement was distributed at a press conference called by
supporters of the Shays-Meehan bill, named for its leading sponsors: Rep.
Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) and Rep. Martin T. Meehan (D-Mass.). Winkler's
statement called for members of the House to pass the bill without any
weakening or "poison-pill" amendments.

"As a religious body, we believe that campaign finance reform is a moral
issue," Winkler said. "Passage of Shays-Meehan will help to overcome apathy,
cynicism and mistrust of our democracy."

The debate, which began about 10:30 a.m. on Feb. 13 continued into the wee
hours of the morning of the next day, when the bill was passed. The Senate
had earlier approved a similar 
measure known as the McCain-Feingold Bill.

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