From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Taiwan Overcoming Ecumenical Barriers to Produce Youth Leaders

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Thu, 21 Feb 2002 13:45:58 -0800

Taiwan Church News 2608, February 24th, 2002
Reported by Uidy Kao,  Written by David Alexander

    In the 1950's the Campus Evangelical Fellowship (CEF)
pioneered College student ministries in Taiwan.  It had
"come over" to Taiwan from China with the Nationalist Party
retreat after the civil war there.  Initially the CEF was
welcomed by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan.  By 1955
theological and political differences between the
leadership of the group and the church led to the
establishment of separate Presbyterian campus ministry.
To this date on many college campuses both groups operate
separately.  Animosity has been replaced by the custom of
doing things their own way.
    This year the church's Youth Committee has joined with
the CEF and with Holy Light Theological College, an
ardently Arminian Wesleyan school, to sponsor two series
of Youth Counselor training seminars to be held in Kaohsiung
City in the Spring and Fall. The first series began last
week and will continue through mid-May.  It will be repeated
in October.
    Course content will explore: the inner world of youth;
The problems of young people; management of relationships;
internet culture; gender education; group building;
counseling skills and other topics.   Speakers are drawn
from experienced CEF staff.
    Presbyterian Church youth ministries staff say, "This
course is not about how to hold a camp, but about how to
become an effective youth group sponsor and counselor in
the long term. It is a breakthrough that we can cooperate
with the CEF and the Wesleyans, with whom we have had
historical  and continue to have theological differences."

For More Information:  Ms. Chen Hsi-hsian
                     TEL +886 2 2362 5282 ext. 237

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